Unix platform to Windows Platform

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Newbie level 3
Aug 30, 2003
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Hi all.....

How I can build and run a project written in C (in Windows Platform) that devoloped in Unix Platform

If I have source files and headers and makefiles


You can try to use Cygwin (www.cygwin.com)
or MinGW (https://www.mingw.org)

Cygwin is a pretty good environment for building Unix Applications on a Windows Platform. It comes with the complete toolset (autoconf, make, gcc, g++, gdb, ...) and with some trail and error you can even get the graphical ddd up and running!
The only thing you cannot do with is selling your applications built with cygwin. But then you can use MinGW.


I have the sources ank makefiles already and I want to run it in windows platform


Hi Friend :

I have the best solution for you !

Try UWIN .. do a search an you will find the ATT dowbload site ..
is pretty big but you will enjoy it !

Cygwin comes with an easy gui installer

Run it and choose the required applications (probably most development tools if you wanna compile stuff)
(It can be pretty large, some 100 Mbytes if you choose allot but it's better to install too much than missing some required stuff)

then you should open cygwin bash shell and you'll get an dos-like window where you can type unix commands.
probably you wanna 'cd' to the directory where the code is
cd c:
cd myProjects

and there you should run the required build commands
probably "make", perhaps with an option
perhaps ./configure --prefix=...
Read the install document if you want to know how to compile. Cygwin should make it the same as in linux/unix

and then you should be able to run the application you've just build
if it requires a gui, then you should install an x-server like Xceed or X-win on your pc.

When the program/source isn't property of your company I'm willing to try and build it for you. Otherwise you should try to build it yourself!!!
You could always ask the author for instructions on how to build!


By .Net Framework, I build my project without downloading any new packeges

That is come by openning a command prompt .Net platform then go to my project directory ( that is containing 'makefile.pc' ) then execute the following command

nmake makefile.pc ( if there is one makefile ) or
nmake /f makefile.pc

After that the the system is built and an executable file is preduce.

Then run the exe file

Finally, Thanks My freinds

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