Ultrasonic parking project - car parking kit sensors?

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Member level 4
May 26, 2004
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car parking kit

Hi friends,

I'm working on a ultrasonic parking project, I have two transducers, one for transmit and one for receive.

However if you take one commercial car parking system, you will see that it works even with single transducer, maybe both T and R are integrated on the same module but in that case you would expect 3 wires T-R-GND, however it has only 2 wires.

Do you know how these transducer works? What kind of signals expected on those 2 wires?

Thanks in advance

parking kit

the sensors come on pcb?(ie there are other components)?

Car parking kit sensors?

For ultarsonic range sensing, the sensor sends a 'pulse' and then waits for a return echo from and object (or a timeout). Since it is not transmitting continuously there is no need for seperate transmit and receive sensors.

The module you are looking at is probably a "transducer" - a piezoelectric element. Here's a link to one such device: https://www.maxbotix.com/uploads/MaxSonar-UT-Datasheet.pdf

Re: Car parking kit sensors?

If you a beginer, it is easy to go with the two sensor design. While one transmits, the other receives. In advanced designs, the same transducer is switched with two signals of TX and RX. First a burst of TX is sent and in a fraction of a second, the same is monitored and the results are displayed. Thus the same two pins of the single transducer gets both the TX and RX signals. Good luck

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