UCF for spi in nexys3

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May 2, 2016
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hello ..
im trying to implement spi between 2 fpga boards on nexys3 the master in one fpga and the slave in another fpga and connecting the two boards by pmod connectors .. but i dont know how to set the ucf for the master and slave and how do i know that the data send from master and recived in slave?!
so can u help in the ucf for master and slave..? how can i set?! for those ports

Code VHDL - [expand]
entity spi_loopback is
    Generic (   
        N : positive := 32;                                         -- 32bit serial word length is default
        CPOL : std_logic := '0';                                    -- SPI mode selection (mode 0 default)
        CPHA : std_logic := '1';                                    -- CPOL = clock polarity, CPHA = clock phase.
        PREFETCH : positive := 2;                                   -- prefetch lookahead cycles
        SPI_2X_CLK_DIV : positive := 5                              -- for a 100MHz sclk_i, yields a 10MHz SCK
        m_clk_i : IN std_logic;
        m_rst_i : IN std_logic;
        m_spi_ssel_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_spi_sck_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_spi_mosi_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_spi_miso_i : IN std_logic;
        m_di_req_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_di_i : IN std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
        m_wren_i : IN std_logic;          
        m_do_valid_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_do_o : OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
        ----- debug -----
        m_do_transfer_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_wren_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_wren_ack_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_rx_bit_reg_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_state_dbg_o : OUT std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        m_core_clk_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_core_n_clk_o : OUT std_logic;
        m_sh_reg_dbg_o : OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
        s_clk_i : IN std_logic;
        s_spi_ssel_i : IN std_logic;
        s_spi_sck_i : IN std_logic;
        s_spi_mosi_i : IN std_logic;
        s_spi_miso_o : OUT std_logic;
        s_di_req_o : OUT std_logic;                                         -- preload lookahead data request line
        s_di_i : IN std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0) := (others => 'X');     -- parallel load data in (clocked in on rising edge of clk_i)
        s_wren_i : IN std_logic := 'X';                                     -- user data write enable
        s_do_valid_o : OUT std_logic;                                       -- do_o data valid strobe, valid during one clk_i rising edge.
        s_do_o : OUT std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0);                       -- parallel output (clocked out on falling clk_i)
        ----- debug -----
        s_do_transfer_o : OUT std_logic;                                    -- debug: internal transfer driver
        s_wren_o : OUT std_logic;
        s_wren_ack_o : OUT std_logic;
        s_rx_bit_reg_o : OUT std_logic;
        s_state_dbg_o : OUT std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)                   -- debug: internal state register
--      s_sh_reg_dbg_o : OUT std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0)                -- debug: internal shift register
end spi_loopback;

thanks alot
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so can u help in the ucf for master and slave..?
You have to read the related documentations - could be from Digilent or Xilinx.
**broken link removed**

Using a search engine will also help to get what you need!

how do i know that the data send from master and recived in slave?
There are GPIO LEDs available on ur dev board. When complete data has been tx from the master you can make a signal go high, bring it out as a port and this can be made to drive a LED in your master board (you need to map the port to the GPIO LED in the UCF file). Similarly when complete data has been Rx by the slave, a LED can be turned on.
There could be other better methods of visual indication also!

my project is to send data from hyperterminal thruough master board using uart cable.. then master will send it to the slave fpga and from slave fpga it will back to hyperterminal using uart cable..

but im facing problem with ucf file i set the pmod connector for master and slave"ssel,sck,mosi,miso"

but i dont knw where to set these signals in ucf for nexys3
m_di_req_o ,m_di_i, m_wren_i,, m_do_valid_o ,,m_do_o ... s_di_req_o ,s_di_i, s_wren_i,, s_do_valid_o ,,s_do_o ..

and how can i make master fpga sends the data that got from pc to slave fpga??
and how the slave fpga will send the data that got it from master fpga to hyperteminal window?


but im facing problem with ucf file i set the pmod connector for master and slave"ssel,sck,mosi,miso"

Did you download the master UCF and study it? Did u understand it?
Did you find out and read the documentation which explains how a UCF file works?

Some of the FPGA pins in the nexys board is connected to the PMOD pins. You just have to map the top level ports in the RTL code to those FPGA pins in the UCF file.

yes sir i have the nexys3 master ucf.. but i dont how the ucf file works..

i set the clk to clk and rst to downbutton and "miso mosi sclk ss" and when i tried to send data from laptop the fpga nothing happen..

yes sir i have the nexys3 master ucf.. but i dont how the ucf file works..
Then search for the documentation that explains how an UCF file works and read it.
You are repeating this from #1 but have never point out what or which part *in there* you don't understand.
Read the following docu, Pg 34, where the format of an UCF file is explained. In Pg 36 the basic Syntax is explained.

The following shows a general simple example of how to map a RTL_port to a FPGA_pin.
**broken link removed**

i set the clk to clk and rst to downbutton and "miso mosi sclk ss" and when i tried to send data from laptop the fpga nothing happen.
It is difficult for anyone to say with this amount of information what has gone wrong. The problem may lie anywhere beginning from the RTL code to the bit-stream downloading process.

man i can set the ucf file .. and i dont think there is problemwith rtl port ..
here is my ucf..

NET "m_spi_2x_clk_i" TNM_NET = m_spi_2x_clk_i;
TIMESPEC TS_m_spi_2x_clk_i = PERIOD "m_spi_2x_clk_i" 15 ns HIGH 50%;
NET "s_clk_i" TNM_NET = s_clk_i;
TIMESPEC TS_s_clk_i = PERIOD "s_clk_i" 8 ns HIGH 50%;
#Created by Constraints Editor (xc6slx45t-csg484-3) - 2011/06/08
NET "m_clk_i" TNM_NET = m_clk_i;
TIMESPEC TS_m_clk_i = PERIOD "m_clk_i" 8 ns HIGH 50%;
NET "s_spi_sck_i" TNM_NET = s_spi_sck_i;
TIMESPEC TS_s_spi_sck_i = PERIOD "s_spi_sck_i" 30 ns HIGH 50%;
NET "m_spi_sck_o_OBUF" TNM_NET = m_spi_sck_o_OBUF;
TIMESPEC TS_m_spi_sck_o_OBUF = PERIOD "m_spi_sck_o_OBUF" 30 ns HIGH 50%;
NET "Inst_spi_master/core_n_clk" TNM_NET = Inst_spi_master/core_n_clk;
TIMESPEC TS_Inst_spi_master_core_n_clk = PERIOD "Inst_spi_master/core_n_clk" 30 ns HIGH 50%;
INST "m_di_i<0>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<1>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<2>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<3>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<4>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<5>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<6>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<7>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<8>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<9>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<10>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<11>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<12>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<13>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<14>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<15>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<16>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<17>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<18>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<19>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<20>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<21>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<22>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<23>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<24>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<25>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<26>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<27>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<28>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<29>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<30>" TNM = m_di;
INST "m_di_i<31>" TNM = m_di;
TIMEGRP "m_di" OFFSET = IN 8 ns VALID 8 ns BEFORE "m_clk_i" RISING;
INST "m_spi_miso_i" TNM = m_miso;
INST "s_di_i<0>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<1>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<2>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<3>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<4>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<5>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<6>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<7>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<8>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<9>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<10>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<11>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<12>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<13>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<14>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<15>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<16>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<17>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<18>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<19>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<20>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<21>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<22>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<23>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<24>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<25>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<26>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<27>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<28>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<29>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<30>" TNM = s_di;
INST "s_di_i<31>" TNM = s_di;
TIMEGRP "s_di" OFFSET = IN 8 ns VALID 8 ns BEFORE "s_clk_i" RISING;
INST "s_spi_mosi_i" TNM = s_mosi;
INST "m_do_o<0>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<1>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<2>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<3>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<4>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<5>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<6>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<7>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<8>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<9>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<10>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<11>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<12>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<13>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<14>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<15>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<16>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<17>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<18>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<19>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<20>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<21>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<22>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<23>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<24>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<25>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<26>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<27>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<28>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<29>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<30>" TNM = m_do;
INST "m_do_o<31>" TNM = m_do;
#Created by Constraints Editor (xc6slx45t-csg484-3) - 2011/06/09
INST "m_rx_bit_reg_o" TNM = m_rx_bit;

## 12 pin connectors

Net "m_spi_sck_o" LOC = K2 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L38P_M3DQ2, Sch name = JB1
Net "m_spi_ssel_o" LOC = K1 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L38N_M3DQ3, Sch name = JB2
Net "m_spi_mosi_o" LOC = L4 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L39P_M3LDQS, Sch name = JB3
Net "m_spi_miso_i" LOC = L3 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L39N_M3LDQSN, Sch name = JB4
#Net "JB<4>" LOC = J3 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L40P_M3DQ6, Sch name = JB7
#Net "JB<5>" LOC = J1 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L40N_M3DQ7, Sch name = JB8
#Net "JB<6>" LOC = K3 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L42N_GCLK24_M3LDM, Sch name = JB9
#Net "JB<7>" LOC = K5 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L43N_GCLK22_IRDY2_M3CASN, Sch name = JB10

Net "s_spi_sclk_i" LOC = H3 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L44N_GCLK20_M3A6, Sch name = JC1
Net "s_spi_ssel_i" LOC = L7 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L45P_M3A3, Sch name = JC2
Net "s_spi_mosi_i" LOC = K6 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L45N_M3ODT, Sch name = JC3
Net "s_spi_miso_o" LOC = G3 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L46P_M3CLK, Sch name = JC4
#Net "JC<4>" LOC = G1 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L46N_M3CLKN, Sch name = JC7
#Net "JC<5>" LOC = J7 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L47P_M3A0, Sch name = JC8
#Net "JC<6>" LOC = J6 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L47N_M3A1, Sch name = JC9
#Net "JC<7>" LOC = F2 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33; #Bank = 3, pin name = IO_L48P_M3BA0, Sch name = JC10

i tested in 2 fpga board with 1 uart cable from pc to master and one uart cable from slave to pc .. i used the hyperterminal to send the data along them nothing happened

i tested in 2 fpga board with 1 uart cable from pc to master and one uart cable from slave to pc .. i used the hyperterminal to send the data along them nothing happened

Wow, what an excellent problem description "nothing happened". How is anyone going to help you with a problem description like that?

What does "nothing happened" tell anyone...well it tells others absolutely nothing, e.g. you might just not have power, you might have broken wire, you might have burned up your serial port, you might not have the serial port enabled, etc, etc....

I think it's important that you learn to ask questions that describe the problem in detail with supporting information so someone can help you. Read this for pointers on how to ask a question if you want to get useful help on a problem without wasting everyone's time.

Note: You're UCF is missing the input output constraints for all of your ports in/out of the FPGA. If you expect the design to work in the real world you should have those constraints, unless you know for a fact that they aren't necessary (like you know the timing can't change because you forced output registers into IOB FFs, etc).

im not professional im just biggner in fpga and vhdl at all but what to do this is the life..

the project is to send world "like hello" from hyperterminl using uart
cable hello to spi master .. the spi master receive and send it by pmod
connector to spi slave.. the spi slave receive and send it back to pc
using uart cable..

what i got tell now that the ports must be in ucf are"mosi miso ssel sck'' becuz those ports will do the transfer from master to slave fpga..

i got nothing when send the data by the hyperterminal to fpga master..

im not professional im just biggner in fpga and vhdl at all but what to do this is the life..
not a problem in and of itself, still doesn't address the quality of the question.

the project is to send world "like hello" from hyperterminl using uart
cable hello to spi master .. the spi master receive and send it by pmod
connector to spi slave.. the spi slave receive and send it back to pc
using uart cable..
this has already been addressed above in post #1, 3, & 8, so you aren't giving any new information.

what i got tell now that the ports must be in ucf are"mosi miso ssel sck'' becuz those ports will do the transfer from master to slave fpga..
this was also mentioned by you in a previous post. Yes the interface between the two cards must be included in the UCF as the pin definitions and the timing must be set in the UCF for those pins. But also the pins for the UART connections need to be in the UCF as they connect to something external to the FPGA device.

i got nothing when send the data by the hyperterminal to fpga master..
Same statement as previously, says nothing.
What have you checked? Is your extent of debug been: I plug everything in and it doesn't work? Have you checked if the SPI signals toggle when you send something? Did you check the design in a testbench before downloading it to the FPGA? Did you add the timing constraints for the input and output delays?

If you don't know how to debug something, you should probably start by reading up on how to debug software (there are some pretty good tutorials around if you look), debugging hardware problems uses the same kind of thought process as software debug, but typically requires a bit more equipment (e.g. oscilloscopes, etc). As it is you haven't even spent the time determining where the transfer breaks, don't expect anyone on this forum to know where it's broken. Especially as we don't have the design files nor the hardware setup you are currently running.
Being new to FPGA design doesn't mean you can get away with not approaching the debug in a systematic fashion.

im not professional im just biggner in fpga and vhdl at all but what to do this is the life
The above statement doesn't qualify as an excuse (if that is the intention). What we want to point out is that you have not provided clear information about your problem. Also you have provided information in "bursts". This makes things difficult for members who want to help.

If I were you I would divide the project in parts.
1> PC <--> FPGA communication using UART communication (Master & PC)
2> PC <--> FPGA communication using UART communication (Slave & PC); most of the work would be done in <1>
3> SPI Master-Slave communication
If the above 3 parts are individually working then as a final stage, combine everything.

yea good idea, but which port are responsible for sending the data back to pc from master?! which port are responsible to send the data through 3 spi wires through slave fpga ?? which port are responisble to send the data from slave to pc ???
if i knw the answers for these 3 ques i can finish the project


and if u have anycodes wirte in vhdl for spi can give it to me ? becuz i think the code that i have is complicated ..
thanks alot
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What!? You don't know which pins do what? Is that the problem? Then you should read a tutorial on SPI.

SPI usually has 4 wires, SCK, MOSI, MISO, and SS (optional if you have only 1 slave, but I'd still make sure it's there and used).
Based on your description you want to connect everything in a uni-directional fashion like so.

The connections used should be apparent by the names of everything.

and if u have anycodes wirte in vhdl for spi can give it to me ? becuz i think the code that i have is complicated ..
thanks alot
Obviously you should go through and understand the code or at least how to use the code (if it's properly documented IP). That's part of how you use IP. If the SPI code you have is overly complicated then it's either designed for a specific purpose with extra "features" or just plan rubbish (see my previous post about student projects posted on the internet).

i tried this many times and it doesnt works.

The connections used should be apparent by the names of everything.

can u explain more about this?

this is the explaning of the code i got it from opencourse.org : This project started from the need to have robust yet simple SPI interface cores written in VHDL to use in generic FPGA-to-device interfacing.
The resulting cores generate small and efficient circuits, that operate from very slow SPI clocks up to over 50MHz SPI clocks.

The project contains 2 independent cores: SPI_MASTER and SPI_SLAVE.
Both cores are written in VHDL, with fully pipelined RTL architecture and separate clock domains for the SPI bus clock and parallel I/O interface.

- - - Updated - - -

now i can send data from master fpga to pc when i remove the spi_miso_i from pmod connector

As a side note to Ananhasaasneh77,

Please see the following thread:

In spite of being a newbie, the thread starter has been specific about his problem and what he expects from the group. Don't curse me, it is for your good! :smile:

As to your problem, as per #1, I see that you are implementing the "spi_loopback"
The top_level seems to implement the master and the slave modules. I don't think this is what you want. You want separate master and slave cores on two separate FPGA boards.
I would ask you to review the architecture you are implementing, as break up the implementation as per my answer in #12.
Last edited:

I think the OP should draw a detailed block diagram of what they are implementing. This will help with seeing the big picture and explaining what they are doing to others that ask. And perhaps they would see the problem by not trying to read code and instead look at a diagram.

Of course this is a newbie/student that has no clue that is how you should design something, i.e. design first, then write code to implement that design. Way too many people don't do any kind of design first, they just start coding.

just i want someone who can help me where to put the ports in ucf to makes the transfer done from two fpga and pc

just i want someone who can help me where to put the ports in ucf to makes the transfer done from two fpga and pc

I have 2 suggestions for you. Find a tutorial related to the nexys3 board perform 1 or 2 examples. This will give you an idea on the procedure to create a design from beginning to the end. It should explain how to map the ports in the ucf.

Once done, to know which ports to used for your design, you need to look at the schematics and find which pins are connected to the uart and pmod connectors.

you need to look at the schematics and find which pins are connected to the uart and pmod connectors?? yes that all i want to knw to make the transfer from pc to 2fpga and back to fpga ?? can u help me how can i lock to schematic ??

actually i did uart code before and its works .. but uart its very easy .. the port are easy to put in ucf for nexys3 not like the spi

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