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TV repair problem,help plz.

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Member level 2
Jan 6, 2006
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service mode tv national

i repair a national tv set that had a vertical problem,there was a horizontal line on the screen,i change the vertical drive and output ic and there was some bad capacitor also,ther tv set worked but the image was orange red,i tried to adjust the R G B variable resister and the image became a little better,can anyone tell me how to make the image get its original color.

h line problem in tv

could you please tell us whats the model and chassis

natiopnal tv repare tips

Sorry i don't remember the model as i already return the tv set but it was an old national tv set.

Do you replace color IC ? (LA72...) check the output to see what's the waveform look like. Use color bar signal genarator .

i don't have any color bar signal generator

dear friend, h-line and color problem can not be run same time, i am sure u have DEGUASSING problem, Deguass the tv set , if u have deguassing coin, I hope u can understand this.

Naw_S said:
i repair a national tv set that had a vertical problem,there was a horizontal line on the screen,i change the vertical drive and output ic and there was some bad capacitor also,ther tv set worked but the image was orange red,i tried to adjust the R G B variable resister and the image became a little better,can anyone tell me how to make the image get its original color.

As stated, it is a degaussing problem.
I think you either forgot to reconnect the degaussing coil or it was accidently disconnected during repair.
Or, a faulty PTC in the set.


quite right
degaussing coil but check the cables also and replace the bad looking capacitors also check the voltages
which r feed to coil

did u know the service mode for this chassis
if not tell me i wil informyou

Naw_S said:
i repair a national tv set that had a vertical problem,there was a horizontal line on the screen,i change the vertical drive and output ic and there was some bad capacitor also,ther tv set worked but the image was orange red,i tried to adjust the R G B variable resister and the image became a little better,can anyone tell me how to make the image get its original color.

i don't know it service mode,its an old tv set i don't think it has a service mode.

yes old tv dont have service mode but do have shecking nodes of voltages also by inspection u can see the behaviur of circuit

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