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[SOLVED] Tube Light Flickers when run by Inverter

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Member level 5
Sep 6, 2009
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There's some problem or the other with the tube lights in my home. One of the tubelight flickers when the electricity is gone. i.e., When it is run by inverter(UPS). This happens so only with that tubelight, and the problem does not appear in anyother tubelight. And it stops flickering when i switch ON a fan that is adjacent to tubelight. All this happens only when it is run by inverter. It works perfectly when run by mains supply.

Why does it flicker in this case?

are you using electronic choke (ballast) ?
if yes please see is any dry soldiering on the board ?

There's some problem or the other with the tube lights in my home. One of the tubelight flickers when the electricity is gone. i.e., When it is run by inverter(UPS). This happens so only with that tubelight, and the problem does not appear in anyother tubelight. And it stops flickering when i switch ON a fan that is adjacent to tubelight. All this happens only when it is run by inverter. It works perfectly when run by mains supply.

Why does it flicker in this case?

A few fluorescent lights have a problem with modfied sinewave (modified squarewave in actuality) inverter outputs. MSW inverter peak voltage is lower then true sinewave for the same RMS voltage output.

not an electronic ballast/choke. A normal/ typical old choke is present, that which looks big.

any dry soldiering
> Why?

A few fluorescent lights have a problem with modfied sinewave (modified squarewave in actuality) inverter outputs. MSW inverter peak voltage is lower then true sinewave for the same RMS voltage output.

I dont see that.

A normal/ typical old choke is present, that which looks big.
you just interchange your tubes & check... (May be your tube is old or weak)... if the problem continues
Some Choke(with big with coil) may not work with modified sine wave or square wave (from inverter)... you jus replace it to electronic choke... it will work...

i thought it is electronic ballast that's why i told .
is the tub-light(flickering one) and inverter is in same room ?

Hi, i dont think their is any problem with the tube,what you need to do is you monitor the output voltage when ever you ON your fan and set your output voltage to that value, it could be the voltage is not enough for the tube.

I think it may interference with the inverter transformer and the choke (can you change the position of the inverter or connect a ground connection )
then tell me what happening ?

No, i can the position where the inverter is. Many connections and also the batteries are quite heavy, and i cant to it alone.

or connect a ground connection
Whats a ground connection btw?

Tubes flicker because the cathodes are not emitting enough this is because they are really old (> 10 years) or because the current through them is too low. This is because the voltage across the ballast and tube is too low. With a non sinewave inverter there are a lot of high frequency components that are rejected by the ballast choke, so the voltage looks good, but its not sending enough current through the ballast and hence through the tube to keep the cathodes hot. When the fan is connected, the series of steps that make up the original inverters output are converted to a series of ramps as the fans motor generates back EMF as the edge of each step appears. This is in essence smoothing out the original wave form, so it actually drives more current through your ballast and tube.

i agree with chukey,due to high freq component their wont be much current to delivered to the choke.

The choke was an electronic one. I was wrong before as i stated that it is a normal one.

connect the ground (earth connection ) to the case of the inverter it it metal case

Hi,i think your inverter need more filter to the noise presence in the output.

Hi,i think your inverter need more filter to the noise presence in the output.

Hi kabiru,
So, what should i do? Ask for the UPS Provider for... ??? Is it important for me do that? Will it affect the devices in long run?

---------- Post added at 04:01 ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 ----------

Hi Thannara,
connect the ground (earth connection ) to the case of the inverter it it metal case
Why should i do that? (I don't find any hazardous shock from it).

i think , there may be some noise prduced by the invertor .have you ground from your home wiring ? Connect that ground to the inverter case

Post your inverter circuits if you have (if you can also upload some photo)

i didn understand why i need to connect the case to ground. Yes, i'll try to upload the photo, i dont have the circuit.

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