Trouble instantiatiating

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Newbie level 4
Feb 7, 2013
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This is the first time I'm using Verilog, so you'll have to be patient.

I have a PS2 mouse code and a 7 segment display code for the Digilent Basys2 board
I'm not able to tie the outputs of the mouse coordinates to the display.

Have been at it for so long that I'm not seeing simple things, perhaps.

post the code you've written, otherwise we can't help.

Okay, this is the PS2 mouse code

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company: 
// Engineer: 
// Create Date:    17:40:38 02/07/2013 
// Design Name: 
// Module Name:    mouse 
// Project Name: 
// Target Devices: 
// Tool versions: 
// Description: 
// Dependencies: 
// Revision: 
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments: 
module MouseReceiver(
              //Standard Inputs
	input				RESET,
	input 				CLK,
	//Mouse IO - CLK
	input				CLK_MOUSE_IN,
	//Mouse IO - DATA
	input				DATA_MOUSE_IN,
	input				READ_ENABLE,
	output		[7:0]		BYTE_READ,
	output		[1:0]		BYTE_ERROR_CODE,
	output				BYTE_READY

	// Clk Mouse delayed to detect clock edges 
	reg ClkMouseInDly;
	always@(posedge CLK)
		ClkMouseInDly <= CLK_MOUSE_IN;
	//A simple state machine to handle the incoming 11-bit codewords
	reg	[2:0]	Curr_State, Next_State;
	reg 	[7:0]	Curr_MSCodeShiftReg,	Next_MSCodeShiftReg;
	reg	[3:0]	Curr_BitCounter,  Next_BitCounter;
	reg		Curr_ByteReceived, Next_ByteReceived;
	reg	[1:0]       Curr_MSCodeStatus, Next_MSCodeStatus;
	reg	[15:0]     Curr_TimeoutCounter, Next_TimeoutCounter;

	always@(posedge CLK) begin
		if(RESET) begin
			Curr_State			<= 3'b000;
			Curr_MSCodeShiftReg		<= 8'h00;
			Curr_BitCounter			<= 0;
			Curr_ByteReceived		<= 1'b0;
			Curr_MSCodeStatus 		<= 2'b00;
			Curr_TimeoutCounter		<= 0;
		end else begin
			Curr_State			<= Next_State;
			Curr_MSCodeShiftReg		<= Next_MSCodeShiftReg;
			Curr_BitCounter			<= Next_BitCounter;
			Curr_ByteReceived		<= Next_ByteReceived;
			Curr_MSCodeStatus		<= Next_MSCodeStatus;
			Curr_TimeoutCounter		<= Next_TimeoutCounter;
	always@* begin
		//defaults to make the State Machine more readable
		Next_State	 		= Curr_State;
		Next_MSCodeShiftReg		= Curr_MSCodeShiftReg;
		Next_BitCounter			= Curr_BitCounter;
		Next_ByteReceived		= 1'b0;	
		Next_MSCodeStatus 		= Curr_MSCodeStatus;
		Next_TimeoutCounter		= Curr_TimeoutCounter + 1'b1;	

		//The states
		case (Curr_State)
		3'b000:	begin
		     //Falling edge of Mouse clock and MouseData is low i.e. start bit
		     if(READ_ENABLE & ClkMouseInDly & ~CLK_MOUSE_IN & ~DATA_MOUSE_IN) begin
			Next_State			= 3'b001;
			Next_MSCodeStatus		= 2'b00;
		     Next_BitCounter			= 0; 
                            // Read successive byte bits from the mouse here
		3'b001:	begin
		    if(Curr_TimeoutCounter == 50000)  // 1ms timeout
			Next_State			= 3'b000;
		    else if(Curr_BitCounter == 8) begin  // if last bit go to parity bit check 
			Next_State			= 3'b010;
			Next_BitCounter			= 0;
		    end else if(ClkMouseInDly & ~CLK_MOUSE_IN) begin  //Shift Byte bits in
			Next_MSCodeShiftReg[6:0] 	= Curr_MSCodeShiftReg[7:1];
			Next_MSCodeShiftReg[7]	= DATA_MOUSE_IN;
			Next_BitCounter			= Curr_BitCounter + 1;
			Next_TimeoutCounter		= 0;
                             //Check Parity Bit
		3'b010: 	begin
		//Falling edge of Mouse clock and MouseData is odd parity
		      if(Curr_TimeoutCounter == 50000)
			Next_State	= 3'b000;
		      else if(ClkMouseInDly & ~CLK_MOUSE_IN) begin
			if (DATA_MOUSE_IN != ~^Curr_MSCodeShiftReg[7:0]) // Parity bit error
				Next_MSCodeStatus[0] = 1'b1;
			Next_BitCounter		= 0;
			Next_State		= 3'b011;
			Next_TimeoutCounter	= 0;

3'b011: begin
if(Curr_TimeoutCounter == 50000)
Next_State = 3'b000;
else if(ClkMouseInDly & ~CLK_MOUSE_IN) begin
Next_MSCodeStatus[1] = ~DATA_MOUSE_IN;
Next_BitCounter = 0;
Next_State = 3'b100;
Next_TimeoutCounter = 0;

//Final state
3'b100: begin
if(Curr_TimeoutCounter == 50000)
Next_State = 3'b000;
else if(CLK_MOUSE_IN & DATA_MOUSE_IN) begin
Next_ByteReceived = 1'b1;
Next_State = 3'b000;

//Default state
default: begin
Next_State = 3'b000;
Next_MSCodeShiftReg = 8'h00;
Next_BitCounter = 0;
Next_ByteReceived = 1'b0;
Next_MSCodeStatus = 2'b00;
Next_TimeoutCounter = 0;

	assign BYTE_READY 		= Curr_ByteReceived;
	assign BYTE_READ 		= Curr_MSCodeShiftReg; 	
	assign BYTE_ERROR_CODE 	= Curr_MSCodeStatus;

module MouseTransmitter(
	//Standard Inputs
	input			RESET,
	input 			CLK,
	//Mouse IO - CLK
	input			CLK_MOUSE_IN,
	output			CLK_MOUSE_OUT_EN,  // Allows for the control of the Clock line
	//Mouse IO - DATA
	input			DATA_MOUSE_IN,
	output			DATA_MOUSE_OUT,
	output			DATA_MOUSE_OUT_EN,
	input			SEND_BYTE,
	input		[7:0]	BYTE_TO_SEND,
	output			BYTE_SENT

	// Clk Mouse delayed to detect clock edges 
	reg ClkMouseInDly;
	always@(posedge CLK)
		ClkMouseInDly <= CLK_MOUSE_IN;

	//Now a state machine to control the flow of write data
	reg [3:0] 	Curr_State, 		Next_State;
	reg		Curr_MouseClkOutWE, 	Next_MouseClkOutWE;
	reg		Curr_MouseDataOut, 	Next_MouseDataOut;
	reg		Curr_MouseDataOutWE, Next_MouseDataOutWE;
	reg [15:0]	Curr_SendCounter,	Next_SendCounter;
	reg		Curr_ByteSent, 		Next_ByteSent;
	reg [7:0]	              Curr_ByteToSend,	Next_ByteToSend;

	always@(posedge CLK) begin
		if(RESET) begin
			Curr_State		<= 4'h0;
			Curr_MouseClkOutWE	<= 1'b0;
			Curr_MouseDataOut	<= 1'b0;
			Curr_MouseDataOutWE	<= 1'b0;
			Curr_SendCounter	<= 0;
			Curr_ByteSent		<= 1'b0;
			Curr_ByteToSend	<= 0;
		end else begin
			Curr_State		<= Next_State;
			Curr_MouseClkOutWE	<= Next_MouseClkOutWE;
			Curr_MouseDataOut	<= Next_MouseDataOut;
			Curr_MouseDataOutWE	<= Next_MouseDataOutWE;	
			Curr_SendCounter	<= Next_SendCounter;
			Curr_ByteSent		<= Next_ByteSent;
			Curr_ByteToSend	<= Next_ByteToSend;

	always@* begin
		//default values
		Next_State		= Curr_State;
		Next_MouseClkOutWE	= 1'b0;
		Next_MouseDataOut	= 1'b0;
		Next_MouseDataOutWE	= Curr_MouseDataOutWE;		
		Next_SendCounter	= Curr_SendCounter;
		Next_ByteSent		= 1'b0;
		Next_ByteToSend	= Curr_ByteToSend;
			4'h0 :	begin
			   if(SEND_BYTE) begin 
				Next_State 	         = 4'h1;
				Next_ByteToSend       = BYTE_TO_SEND;
			   Next_MouseDataOutWE        = 1'b0;

			//Bring Clock line low for at least 100 microsecs i.e. 5000 clock cycles @ 50MHz
			4'h1 :	begin
			   if(Curr_SendCounter == 6000) begin
				Next_State	         = 4'h2;
				Next_SendCounter      = 0;
			   end else
				Next_SendCounter      = Curr_SendCounter + 1'b1; 

			    Next_MouseClkOutWE = 1'b1;

			//Bring the Data Line Low and release the Clock line
			4'h2 :	begin
				Next_State	            = 4'h3;
				Next_MouseDataOutWE = 1'b1; 

			//Start Sending
			4'h3 : 	begin   // change data at falling edge of clock, start bit = 0
				if(ClkMouseInDly & ~CLK_MOUSE_IN) 
				        Next_State		= 4'h4;

			//Send Bits 0 to 7 - We need to send the byte
			4'h4 : 	begin   // change data at falling edge of clock
				    if(ClkMouseInDly & ~CLK_MOUSE_IN) begin
					if(Curr_SendCounter == 7) begin
						Next_State		= 4'h5;
						Next_SendCounter	= 0;
					end else
				                            Next_SendCounter 	= Curr_SendCounter + 1'b1;
				   Next_MouseDataOut 	= Curr_ByteToSend[Curr_SendCounter];

			//Send the parity bit 
			4'h5 :	begin  // change data at falling edge of clock
				   if(ClkMouseInDly & ~CLK_MOUSE_IN)
					Next_State			= 4'h6;			

				   Next_MouseDataOut		= ~^Curr_ByteToSend[7:0];

			//Release Data line
			4'h6 :	begin
				  Next_State 				= 4'h7;
				  Next_MouseDataOutWE			= 1'b0; 
//Bring data line low
4'h7: begin
Next_State = 4'h8;

//Bring clock line low
4'h8: begin
if(ClkMouseInDly & ~CLK_MOUSE_IN)
Next_State = 4'h9;

//Release data and clock
4'h9: begin
Next_ByteSent = 1'b1;
Next_State = 4'h0;

	//Assign OUTPUTs
	//Mouse IO - CLK
	assign 	CLK_MOUSE_OUT_EN 		= Curr_MouseClkOutWE;
	//Mouse IO - DATA
	assign	DATA_MOUSE_OUT		= Curr_MouseDataOut;
	assign	DATA_MOUSE_OUT_EN		= Curr_MouseDataOutWE;
	assign	BYTE_SENT			= Curr_ByteSent;


//Master State Machine module.	

module MouseMasterSM(
		input				CLK,
		input				RESET,
		//Transmitter Control
		output 				SEND_BYTE,
		output		[7:0]		BYTE_TO_SEND,
		input				BYTE_SENT,
		//Receiver Control
		output				READ_ENABLE,
		input		[7:0]		BYTE_READ,
		input		[1:0]		BYTE_ERROR_CODE,
		input				BYTE_READY,
		//Data Registers
		output		[7:0]		MOUSE_DX,
		output		[7:0]		MOUSE_DY,
		output		[7:0]		MOUSE_STATUS,
		output				SEND_INTERRUPT
	//	Main state machine - There is a setup sequence
	// 1) Send FF -- Reset command, 
	// 2) Read FA -- Mouse Acknowledge,
	// 2) Read AA -- Self-Test Pass 
	// 3) Read 00 -- Mouse ID
	// 4) Send F4 -- Start transmitting command,
	// 5) Read FA -- Mouse Acknowledge,
	// If at any time this chain is broken, the SM will restart from
	// the beginning.  Once it has finished the set-up sequence, the read enable flag 
	// is raised.
	// The host is then ready to read mouse information 3 bytes at a time:
	// S1) Wait for first read, When it arrives, save it to Status. Goto S2.
	// S2) Wait for second read, When it arrives, save it to DX. Goto S3.
	// S3) Wait for third read, When it arrives, save it to DY. Goto S1.
	//		 Send interrupt.
	//State Control
	reg 	[3:0]	Curr_State,	Next_State;
	reg	[23:0]	Curr_Counter,	Next_Counter;
	//Transmitter Control
	reg		Curr_SendByte,	Next_SendByte;
	reg	[7:0]	Curr_ByteToSend, Next_ByteToSend;
	//Receiver Control
	reg		Curr_ReadEnable, Next_ReadEnable;
	//Data Registers
	reg	[7:0]	Curr_Status, Next_Status;
	reg	[7:0]	Curr_Dx, Next_Dx;
	reg	[7:0]	Curr_Dy, Next_Dy;
	reg		Curr_SendInterrupt, Next_SendInterrupt;
	always@(posedge CLK) begin
		if(RESET) begin
				Curr_State 		<= 4'h0;
				Curr_Counter		<= 0;
				Curr_SendByte		<= 1'b0;
				Curr_ByteToSend	<= 8'h00;
				Curr_ReadEnable	<= 1'b0;
				Curr_Status 		<= 8'h00;
				Curr_Dx 		<= 8'h00;
				Curr_Dy 		<= 8'h00;
				Curr_SendInterrupt	<= 1'b0;
		end else begin
				Curr_State 		<= Next_State;
				Curr_Counter		<= Next_Counter;
				Curr_SendByte		<= Next_SendByte;
				Curr_ByteToSend	<= Next_ByteToSend;
				Curr_ReadEnable	<= Next_ReadEnable;
				Curr_Status 		<= Next_Status;
				Curr_Dx 		<= Next_Dx;
				Curr_Dy 		<= Next_Dy;
				Curr_SendInterrupt	<= Next_SendInterrupt;
	always@* begin
		Next_State 		= Curr_State;
		Next_Counter		= Curr_Counter;
		Next_SendByte		= 1'b0;
		Next_ByteToSend 	= Curr_ByteToSend;
		Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b0;
		Next_Status 		= Curr_Status;
		Next_Dx 		= Curr_Dx;
		Next_Dy 		= Curr_Dy;
		Next_SendInterrupt	= 1'b0;
			//Initialise State - Wait here for 10ms before trying to initialise the mouse.
			4'h0:	begin
				  if(Curr_Counter == 5000000) begin // 1/100th sec at 50MHz clock
				    Next_State	= 4'h1;
				    Next_Counter	= 0;
				  end else
				    Next_Counter	= Curr_Counter + 1'b1;
			//Start initialisation by sending FF
			4'h1:	begin
				  Next_State		= 4'h2;
				  Next_SendByte		= 1'b1;
				  Next_ByteToSend	= 8'hFF;
			//Wait for confirmation of the byte being sent
			4'h2: begin
				  Next_State		= 4'h3;
			//Wait for confirmation of a byte being received
			//If the byte is FA goto next state, else re-initialise.
			4'h3: begin
				if(BYTE_READY) begin 
				   if((BYTE_READ == 8'hFA) & (BYTE_ERROR_CODE == 2'b00))
                                                          Next_State		= 4'h4;
				      Next_State		= 4'h0;
				Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b1;
			//Wait for self-test pass confirmation
			//If the byte received is AA goto next state, else re-initialise
			4'h4: begin
				if(BYTE_READY) begin 
				   if((BYTE_READ == 8'hAA) & (BYTE_ERROR_CODE == 2'b00))
                                                          Next_State		= 4'h5;
				      Next_State		= 4'h0;

				Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b1;
			//Wait for confirmation of a byte being received 
			//If the byte is 00 goto next state (MOUSE ID) else re-initialise
			4'h5: begin
				if(BYTE_READY) begin 
				   if((BYTE_READ == 8'h00) & (BYTE_ERROR_CODE == 2'b00))
                                                          Next_State		= 4'h6;
				      Next_State		= 4'h0;
			               Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b1;
			//Send F4 - to start mouse transmit
			4'h6:	begin
				  Next_State		= 4'h7;
				  Next_SendByte		= 1'b1;
				  Next_ByteToSend	= 8'hF4;
			//Wait for confirmation of the byte being sent
			4'h7: if(BYTE_SENT)	Next_State	= 4'h8;			
			//Wait for confirmation of a byte being received
			//If the byte is FA goto next state, else re-initialise
			4'h8: begin
				if(BYTE_READY) begin 
				   if((BYTE_READ == 8'hFA) & (BYTE_ERROR_CODE == 2'b00))
                                                          Next_State		= 4'h9;
				      Next_State		= 4'h0;
				Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b1;
			//At this point the SM has initialised the mouse. 			
			//Now we are constantly reading.  If at any time			
			//there is an error, we will re-initialise	
			//the mouse - just in case.									///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			//Wait for the confirmation of a byte being received.
			//This byte will be the first of three, the status byte.
			//If a byte arrives, but is corrupted, then we re-initialise
			4'h9:	begin
				   if(BYTE_READY & (BYTE_ERROR_CODE == 2'b00)) begin
				         Next_State		= 4'hA;
				         Next_Status	= BYTE_READ;
				   end else
				         Next_State		= 4'h0;
                     Next_Counter	= 0;
				         Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b1;					
			//Wait for confirmation of a byte being received
			//This byte will be the second of three, the Dx byte.
			4'hA: begin
				   if(BYTE_READY & (BYTE_ERROR_CODE == 2'b00)) begin
				         Next_State		= 4'hB;
				         Next_Dx	= BYTE_READ;
				   end else
				         Next_State		= 4'hA;
				         Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b1;					
			//Wait for confirmation of a byte being received
			//This byte will be the third of three, the Dy byte.
			4'hB: begin
			if(BYTE_READY & (BYTE_ERROR_CODE == 2'b00)) begin
				         Next_State		= 4'hC;
				         Next_Dy	= BYTE_READ;
				   end else
				         Next_State		= 4'hB;
				         Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b1;					
			//Send Interrupt State
			4'hC: begin
				Next_State		= 4'h9;
				Next_SendInterrupt	= 1'b1;
			//Default State
		              default:	begin
				Next_State 		= 4'h0;
				Next_Counter		= 0;
				Next_SendByte		= 1'b0;
				Next_ByteToSend 	= 8'hFF;
				Next_ReadEnable	= 1'b0;
				Next_Status 		= 8'h00;
				Next_Dx 		= 8'h00;
				Next_Dy 		= 8'h00;
				Next_SendInterrupt	= 1'b0;			
	//Tie the SM signals to the IO
	assign SEND_BYTE		= Curr_SendByte;
	assign BYTE_TO_SEND		= Curr_ByteToSend;
	assign READ_ENABLE		= Curr_ReadEnable;
	//Output Mouse Data
	assign MOUSE_DX		= Curr_Dx;
	assign MOUSE_DY		= Curr_Dy;
	assign MOUSE_STATUS		= Curr_Status;
	assign SEND_INTERRUPT	= Curr_SendInterrupt;

//Mouse Transceiver 

//Mouse transceiver
module MouseTransceiver(
//Standard Inputs
input RESET,
input CLK,
//IO - Mouse side
inout CLK_MOUSE,
// Mouse data information
        output  [3:0] Mouse_SegSel,
        output  [6:0] Mouse_DispOut,
        output  [3:0] Mouse_Led
	// X, Y Limits of Mouse Position e.g. VGA Screen with 160 x 120 resolution
parameter [7:0] MouseLimitX = 160;
parameter [7:0] MouseLimitY = 120;

			// Mouse data information
         reg [3:0] MouseStatus;
         reg [7:0] MouseX;
         reg [7:0] MouseY;
	//TriState Signals
	reg ClkMouseIn;
	wire ClkMouseOutEnTrans;
	wire DataMouseIn;
	wire DataMouseOutTrans;
	wire DataMouseOutEnTrans;
	//Clk Output - can be driven by host or device
	assign CLK_MOUSE 	= ClkMouseOutEnTrans ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
	//Clk Input
	assign DataMouseIn 	= DATA_MOUSE;
	//Clk Output - can be driven by host or device
	assign DATA_MOUSE 	= DataMouseOutEnTrans ? DataMouseOutTrans : 1'bz;
	//This section filters the incoming Mouse clock to make sure that 
	//it is stable before data is latched by either transmitter
	//or receiver modules
	reg [7:0]	MouseClkFilter;	
	always@(posedge CLK) begin
			ClkMouseIn		<= 1'b0;
		else begin
			//A simple shift register
			MouseClkFilter[7:1] 	<= MouseClkFilter[6:0];
			MouseClkFilter[0]	<= CLK_MOUSE;
			//falling edge
			if(ClkMouseIn & (MouseClkFilter == 8'h00))
				ClkMouseIn 	<= 1'b0;
			//rising edge
			else if(~ClkMouseIn & (MouseClkFilter == 8'hFF))
				ClkMouseIn	<= 1'b1;
	//Instantiate the Transmitter module
	wire 			SendByteToMouse;
	wire 			ByteSentToMouse;
	wire          [7:0] 	              ByteToSendToMouse;
	MouseTransmitter T(
				//Standard Inputs
				//Mouse IO - CLK
				//Mouse IO - DATA
				.DATA_MOUSE_OUT_EN	(DataMouseOutEnTrans),
	//Instantiate the Receiver module
	wire 			ReadEnable;
	wire          [7:0]    	ByteRead;
	wire          [1:0] 	              ByteErrorCode;
	wire			ByteReady;
	MouseReceiver R(
				//Standard Inputs
				//Mouse IO - CLK
				//Mouse IO - DATA
				.READ_ENABLE	(ReadEnable),
	//Instantiate the Master State Machine module
	wire 	[7:0]	MouseStatusRaw;
	wire 	[7:0]	MouseDxRaw;
	wire 	[7:0]	MouseDyRaw;
	wire 		SendInterrupt;
	MouseMasterSM MSM(
				//Standard Inputs
				//Transmitter Interface
				//Receiver Interface
				.READ_ENABLE	(ReadEnable),
				//Data Registers

	//Pre-processing - handling of overflow and signs.
	//More importantly, this keeps tabs on the actual X/Y
	//location of the mouse.
	wire	signed	[8:0]      MouseDx;
	wire	signed	[8:0]      MouseDy;
	wire	signed	[8:0]      MouseNewX;
	wire	signed	[8:0]      MouseNewY;
	//Wires for display display interface
	wire [6:0] Disp_Out;
	wire [3:0] SegSelect;
	wire [3:0] LedDis;
	//DX and DY are modified to take account of overflow and direction
	assign MouseDx  = (MouseStatusRaw[6]) ? (MouseStatusRaw[4] ? {MouseStatusRaw[4],8'h00} : {MouseStatusRaw[4],8'hFF} ) : {MouseStatusRaw[4],MouseDxRaw[7:0]};
   assign MouseDy  = (MouseStatusRaw[7]) ? (MouseStatusRaw[5] ? {MouseStatusRaw[5],8'h00} : {MouseStatusRaw[5],8'hFF} ) : {MouseStatusRaw[5],MouseDyRaw[7:0]};
              //  calculate new mouse position
	assign MouseNewX = {1'b0,MouseX} + MouseDx;
	assign MouseNewY = {1'b0,MouseY} + MouseDy; 

	always@(posedge CLK) begin
		if(RESET) begin
			MouseStatus			<= 0;
			MouseX				<= MouseLimitX/2;
			MouseY				<= MouseLimitY/2;
		end else if (SendInterrupt) begin
			//Status is stripped of all unnecessary info
			MouseStatus			<= MouseStatusRaw[3:0];
			//X is modified based on DX with limits on max and min
			if(MouseNewX < 0)
				MouseX 		<= 0;
			else if(MouseNewX > (MouseLimitX-1))
				MouseX			<= MouseLimitX-1;
				MouseX			<= MouseNewX[7:0];
			//Y is modified based on DY with limits on max and min
	      if(MouseNewY < 0)
				MouseY 		<= 0;
			else if(MouseNewY > (MouseLimitY-1))
				MouseY			<= MouseLimitY-1;
				MouseY			<= MouseNewY[7:0];

	//in the end
//Display Interface
//Leds[3:0] display the status
//7-SegLed 0(LSB Nibble) and 1 display Mouse X Co ordinates
//7-SegLed 2(LSB Nibble) and 3 display Mouse Y Co ordinates

 //1011 B 2nd Seg from left Basys Board (MSB Nibble)       1010 A 1st
//Seg from left Basys Board (LSB Nibble)
 //1101 D 4th Seg from left Basys Board (MSB Nibble)       1100 C 3rd
//Seg from left Basys Board (LSB Nibble)

 all_7_seg Sev_seg(

assign Mouse_DispOut = Disp_Out;
assign Mouse_SegSel = SegSelect;
assign Mouse_Led = LedDis;


and this is the driver for the display

//main module of seven seg
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date:    02:24:47 02/01/2013
// Design Name:
// Module Name:    all_7_seg
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module all_7_seg(
    input CLK,
         input [7:0] MouseDX,
         input [7:0] MouseDY,
         input [3:0] MouseStats,
    output [6:0] DispOut,
         output [3:0] SEG_SELECT,
         output [3:0] Led_disp

wire [6:0] Dispout_1;
wire [3:0] SEG_SELCET_1;
wire [1:0] Bit2Count;
wire [3:0] MuxOut;

GenericCounter Bit16(

GenericCounter2         Bit2(

reg [3:0] DECCOUNT_Disp0;
reg [3:0] DECCOUNT_Disp1;
reg [3:0] DECCOUNT_Disp2;
reg [3:0] DECCOUNT_Disp3;
reg [3:0] LED_DISP_1;
wire [3:0] DECCOUNT0;
wire [3:0] DECCOUNT1;
wire [3:0] DECCOUNT2;
wire [3:0] DECCOUNT3;
always@(CLK or MouseDY or MouseDX or MouseStats) begin
DECCOUNT_Disp0 <= MouseDY[3:0];// on basys last from left
DECCOUNT_Disp1 <= MouseDY[7:4];
DECCOUNT_Disp2 <= MouseDX[3:0];
DECCOUNT_Disp3 <= MouseDX[7:4];//On basys first from left
LED_DISP_1 <= MouseStats;

 Mux Mux4 ( .CONTROL(Bit2Count),

sev_seg_disp Sev7 ( .SEG_SELECT_IN(Bit2Count),

assign DispOut = Dispout_1;
assign Led_disp = LED_DISP_1;


//16 bit counter module
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date:    23:34:45 02/02/2013
// Design Name:
// Module Name:    GenericCounter
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module GenericCounter(
    input CLK,
    output TRIGG_OUT,
    output [15:0] COUNT
    reg [15:0] Counter = 0;
         reg Triggerout;
         //synchronuos counter logic
         always@(posedge CLK) begin
         if(Counter == 49999)
         Counter <= 0;
         Counter <= Counter+1;
         //synchronuous troggerout logic
         always@(posedge CLK) begin
         if(Counter == 49999)
         Triggerout <= 1;
         Triggerout <= 0;
         assign COUNT = Counter;
         assign TRIGG_OUT = Triggerout;


//2 bit counter module

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date:    01:04:40 02/03/2013
// Design Name:
// Module Name:    GenericCounter2
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module GenericCounter2(
    input CLK,
    output TRIGG_OUT,
    output [1:0] COUNT


         reg [1:0] Counter = 0;
         reg Triggerout;
         //synchronuos counter logic
         always@(posedge CLK) begin
         if(Counter == 3)
         Counter <= 0;
         Counter <= Counter+1;
         //synchronuous troggerout logic
         always@(posedge CLK) begin
         if(Counter == 3)
         Triggerout <= 1;
         Triggerout <= 0;
         assign COUNT = Counter;
         assign TRIGG_OUT = Triggerout;


//Mux module

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date:    23:26:26 02/02/2013
// Design Name:
// Module Name:    Mux
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module Mux(
        input [1:0] CONTROL,
        input [3:0] IN0,
        input [3:0] IN1,
        input [3:0] IN2,
        input [3:0] IN3,
        output reg [3:0] OUT

always@(CONTROL or IN0 or IN1 or IN2 or IN3)
case (CONTROL)
        2'b00 : OUT <= IN0;
        2'b01 : OUT <= IN1;
        2'b10 : OUT <= IN2;
        2'b11 : OUT <= IN3;
        default : OUT <= 4'b0000;

//seven seg module

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date:    13:47:10 01/31/2013
// Design Name:
// Module Name:    sev_seg_disp
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module sev_seg_disp(
    input  [1:0] SEG_SELECT_IN,
    input [3:0] BIN_IN,
    output reg [3:0] SEG_SELECT_OUT,
    output reg [6:0] HEX_OUT
//segment select case statement
always@(SEG_SELECT_IN) begin
        2'b00 : SEG_SELECT_OUT <= 4'b1110;
        2'b01 : SEG_SELECT_OUT <= 4'b1101;
        2'b10 : SEG_SELECT_OUT <= 4'b1011;
        2'b11 : SEG_SELECT_OUT <= 4'b0111;

        default : SEG_SELECT_OUT <= 4'b1111;
// 4-bit input to 8-bit 7segment display output
always@(BIN_IN) begin
case (BIN_IN)
        4'b0000 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0000001;
        4'b0001 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b1001111;
        4'b0010 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0010010;
        4'b0011 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0000110;

        4'b0100 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b1001100;
        4'b0101 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0100100;
        4'b0110 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0100000;
        4'b0111 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0001110;

        4'b1000 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0000000;
        4'b1001 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0001100;
        4'b1010 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0001000;
        4'b1011 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0000000;

        4'b1100 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0110001;
        4'b1101 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0000001;
        4'b1110 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0110000;
        4'b1111 : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b0111000;

        default : HEX_OUT[6:0] <= 7'b1111111;


The problem is that my display shows the centre point coordinates. But when i move the mouse, or left right click, nothing happens. What I can tell is that in the MSM, it is not going from state 9 to state A.
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