Transmitting rf data from one tx to two rx receivers using pic16f controller

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Member level 1
Jul 2, 2013
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Dear all ,
I am trying to transmit and receive data using xbee modules by the following pattern.
Transmit data from transmitter -Tx1 to receiver -Rx1 and receiver -Rx2 by UART using PIC16F877 on both sides.
And transmit data from transmitter -Tx2 to receiver -Rx1 and receiver -Rx2 BY UART using PIC16F877 on both sides using assembly.

I can't see effectively any question posed.

Dear sir ,
How can we sort out and display the data from two transmitters (Tx1 AND Tx2) separately at the receiving side using assembly ?

How to say ... First, reading the datasheet and starting to program the code? Then using MPLAB to simulate ? Then, if you have any questions after these steps, come up with a more in-depth question.

Dear all,
If my knowledge is correct. rf data from both transmitters are stored into the RCREG register of pic16f877 using UART and XBEE . please tell me how to identify the address or data of Tx1 and Tx2 and how to show the specified data on display using assembly.

Hello sir,

RF receiver Rx1 receiving (using XBEE module connected via UART using PIC16F877) data from two different RF transmitters (XBEE) . the data from the 1st transmitter received and stored in register RCVD using ISR . how we can store and display the 2nd data ?
     movwf            W_TEMP           ;Copy W to TEMP register
     swapf             STATUS,W         ;Swap status to be saved into W
     clrf                STATUS            ;bank 0, regardless of current bank, Clears IRP,RP1,RP0
     movwf            STATUS_TEMP     ;Save status to bank zero STATUS_TEMP register
     movf              PCLATH, W         ;Only required if using pages 1, 2 and/or 3
     movwf            PCLATH_TEMP      ;Save PCLATH into W
     banksel           RCSTA                  ;Page zero, regardless of current page
     banksel           PIR1
RXPOLL btfss        PIR1, RCIF             ;RX Buffer Full? (i.e. Data Received?)
     ;goto             RXPOLL
     banksel          RCREG
     movf              RCREG,0                 ;received data to W
     banksel          RCVD
     movwf           RCVD   
     movf              PCLATH_TEMP, W    ;Restore PCLATH
     movwf           PCLATH                  ;Move W into PCLATH
     swapf            STATUS_TEMP,W     ;Swap STATUS_TEMP register into W
                                                     ;(sets bank to original state)
     movwf           STATUS                 ;Move W into STATUS register
     swapf            W_TEMP,F             ;Swap W_TEMP
     swapf            W_TEMP,W            ;Swap W_TEMP into W

If it is everything you have made, your sketch hasn't almost absolutely anything there which match to the specified scope and to be honest I'm not motivated to code line per line with you. To display something you could send to serial, you could open the watch inspector window, etc...Just to be clear, if you have difficulties to code in assembly, and do not seem to make further advances on your own, it is not the suited tool to you start making a project like that. Jump to some C compiler and there you can take advantage of compiler's builtin functions. By the way, the Xbee is not a transparent device, you should consider the frame on which data is packed in order to reply with the correct command. This is not a simple task to do in assembly for a newbie, and you could manage it with simple string manipulation functions in C.

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