transistor AC Analysis

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Junior Member level 1
Feb 16, 2007
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ac analysis in transistor

Why we use input, output and bypass capacitors in Common-Emitter Amplifier.

And why we replace capacitors by short circuit for AC Analysis of Transistor

transistor ac analysis

Well, you can consult any electronic circuit book to get a more detailed answer for you question. However, a basic idea is...

Input capacitor, normaly the books introduce bypass capacitor for bias, it is not common in a integrated sense, instead it is use for discrete components.

Output capacitor, you always will have a load at the output, normally it is asumed a capacitive load.

Not all the capacitors can be replaced by shor circuit, in the case you are taking about, the capacitor can be replaced if it is large enough, for example take a look at the impedance expression: Zc=1/sC, if C is large then Zc --> 0.

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we use bypass capacitors to pass ac and block dc

when we bipolar transistor we can analyse it in DC mode and Re on Emitter is one of part the bipolar DC . The role of it determines DC Current through Colllector. It also play in role the feedback resistor to avoid drifting the DC quiet bipolar points when temperature change. But this resistor Re decrease gain of transistor so We can use the bypass Cap in order to increase gain of that transistor.but bipolar DC of that Transistor still does not change.

Usually we use te capacitors to let the AC component (information) get into the amplifier and block the DC to avoid it to change the BIAS (DC).
We replace de capacitors with his impedance at the frequency we are doing the analisys. Not short circuit.

the usage of by pass capacitor is to block the DC conponent of the input signal.
the capacitor is model as short circuit because the capcitor allow the AC to move through it.

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