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training,jobs in embedded electronics

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Nov 2, 2009
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Six months Full time training in Embedded systems & Microcontroller’s Programming.

EMTECH FOUNDATION is a leading training and R&D house located in Delhi, is currently offering Six month Job Oriented program for fresh Engineers. This training program designed by our industrial experts for fresh engineers wanting to pursue their career in embedded domain. This course helps a fresher to an industry ready engineers who can give output to industry on very first day of joining the organization.
As we are registered as manpower consultants with many SME electronics, so we are very confident in placement of our CFP students in industry and already placed thousands of students. So be a part of highly skilled team and realize your dream and feel satisfied of being an Engineer.
Eligibility: - B.Tech (ECE/Electrical/CS/Instrumentation)
CFP (Career Foundation Program) Coverage:
1. Electronics Fundamental(Basic/Analog/Digital/Power)
2. Circuit Simulation & PCB Designing
3. Embedded System & Microcontroller(8051/PIC/AVR/Renesas/Freescale)
4. Programming Language: Assembly, C,C++, Embedded C/C++
5. Hands-on experience on real world interfacing devices with technical protocol. (I2C, Zigbee etc.)
6. Five Compulsory hands-on live projects experience.
Scholarship will be given to suitable candidate.
No shortcut is available, but right guidance and training will give you success much earlier.
For further communication please contact:-Mr.Naveen/Ms.Nirmala
Visit our website at: **broken link removed**

Advanced Embedded system course:

C Programming
Introduction of Electronics, Introduction of Programming Language, Layout of C, Data Types, Rules For Declaring Identifiers, Typedef, Enum, Union, Operators, IF, Switch, Do, While, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Call By Value & Reference, Storage Classes, Structure, Files.

8051 Programming
Introduction to Digital Electronics, Difference Between Controller & Processors, Introduction To 8051, Applications, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set, Difference Between Native & Cross-Compiler, Introduction to Cross Compilers, Registers, Basic Circuit for Operation, Introduction To Assembly Level Language, Programming In Assembly, Interrupts, Timers, Serial Communication, LED, Seven Segment, LCD Display, Keypad, Designing & Making a Complete Embedded Systems.

Embedded C Programming
Advantages of Embedded C Programming, Interrupts, Timers, Serial Communication, LED, Seven Segment, LCD Display, Keypad, ADC, Real Time Clock, EEPROM Programming, RF, GSM Programming, AT Commands, Protocols involved in Programming

Mini Project

PIC Programming
Difference Between RISC & CISC, Introduction To PIC, Applications, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set, Introduction To MPLAB, Interrupts, Timers, Serial Communication, LED, Seven Segment, LCD Display, Keypad, ADC.Temperature Sensor.

AVR Programming
Designing Ardunio Boards, Open Source Cross Compliers, AVR Studio, Programming in Ardunio
DC Motor Control, Stepper Motor Control

Basics of ARM:
Introduction To ARM, Introduction to LPC2148, Programming in ARM, Programming in 32 Bit Processors.

ARM Programming:
Interrupts, Timers, Serial Communication, LED, Seven Segment, LCD Display, ADC, PC Keyboard Interfacing, MMC Programming, USB Programming

Implementing Round-Robin Scheduling,Semaphore,Mutex, etc using PIC, ARM controllers

Main Project

(PIC and ARM Kits will be provided)
For Details Contact: Mr.D.Karthik
Flat No. B,Lakshmi Apartments,95, Periyar Pathai,
Choolaimedu (west),off 100 ft Road,
Ph.No: 8015766605,9840565387

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