TI interview question..

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Newbie level 6
Jun 8, 2005
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Design an opamp with 0.1-3v common mode input voltage and 0.3-4.5 v output voltage and 5v supply voltage.
Explain what type of active and load transistors(nmos,pmos,bjt or bicmos with reasoning) do u use?

pmos input to achieve 0.1V and push-pull output (nmos+pmos) to achieve 0.3V to 4.5V, is this ok?

Definetely need a pmos input and probably a class AB output

N pair + P pair input; output should use Class AB.

the requirements would be satisfied by a simple miller op amp, no class-ab needed. input pair can't be a single pmos, you'd need cascaded pmos or darlington pnp so you don't crush your differential to single-ended conversion, else use folded and you won't need cascaded pmos.

Why class AB could meet the output common voltage requirement? by using Class AB, I think the input of class AB driver also need 0.3-4.5 v swing. if we could make Class AB driver`s output meet output common voltage requirement, why still need a class AB driver? Class AB is used just for low output impedance and small power consuming?

Can you provide more questions?

input stage should use PMOS pair, for output,class AB is common

Which dept. do you apply? And other more question?

Other questions were easy ..like finding gain of single stage operational amplifier.. what are two capacitances present in a diode and give an example of current mirror and explain its operation with respect to current mirroring..

For this kind common mode input requirement, better use rail to rail opmap.


dear ramraj_gp

what is your exp in ic design.and for what position have you applied at TI.

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