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The most professional PCB layout software in industry?

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Jan 6, 2006
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most popular pcb layout tool

What is the most professional and popular PCB layout software in industry? PowerPCB? Protel? Cadence?

professional pcb layout software

Cadence I think!

software cr-5000 price

The mainstream industry packages are Pads pcb and Cadstar. They have the power to handle complexity and speed and are in the mid price bracket.

pcb layout software comparison

that question is a bit like asking "what's the best car". with out knowing its intended use, one really can't say.

Many packages can do very sophisticated designs in the hands of a skilled designer. You don't say what kind of boards are going to be made as well as the skill level of the designer(s).

pcb layout for lightning

the reapply depends on how much you are willing to spend.
mentor expedition
cadence SPB
are the top 3 tools

most professional pcb software

The internationally used and one of the highest end is Zuken CR-5000
They came out with CR-5000 lighting:
Zuken states:
CR-5000 Lightning*, is a fully integrated high-speed design and analysis environment within the CR-5000 tool suite. This powerful PCB design prototyping software allows you to realize your PCB design faster, while maintaining Signal Integrity (SI) & EMC. It also permits you to carry out simulation and routing according to the applications constraints, while being fully integrated within CR-5000, enabling users to share information through one database directly.

The best and one of the most expensive CADs.
We are a platinum rated Zuken CR 5000 PCB Design Service Bureau in Anaheim, California.

Thank you,

Henry Uechi
PWB America, Inc.

is pads powerpcb expensive

For high-speed applications,Cadence/Allegro and Mentor/PadsPCB are both powerful.
However,Cadence seems to be most popular in US. ProtelDXP is a little complicated to use and functions ok for digital simulation not analog.

I feel Allegro and Pads are most popular

Not because I'm using ZUKEN CR-5000 but I think its the most professional software in PCB Design.
I already used a lot of software but the quality of design being produced in CR-5000 are more effetive than other software design.

i think its cadence sorry for replying it very lately


I just wanted to contribute to this shouting contest :)
I've been "raised" with Pads PowerPCB and Logic, and in fact the only alternative I've tried is OrCAD. Those two are fundamentally differently built, but being a bit biased like I am, I would say that PowerPCB may just be a little stronger than OrCAD (although also quite a bit more expensive).
The company I work for specialises in PowerPCB, and I don't think we have had an assignment we couldn't solve for at least the last couple of years. Unfortunately it also has a few minor (and sometimes very annoying) bugs, but you can learn to work around them.
This post is not meant as a comparison or a "my program is better than yours" statement, but just a footnote on a tool with which you can do almost anything. It may not be more powerful, user friendly or cheaper than the competitors but its a good, stable PCB-design platform which I would recommend any day.

I hope you find the right tool for you.


The Best in
Cadence & Mentor, both are foolproof. of course these are a bit difficult to set, but avoids chance of error.

PADS is a handy software you can add or delete nets on bed. A good one at mid level.

What is the price of this software ( mentor,cadence, PADS ) ?

Depends, you have to contact your local vendor. Sometime you have promotions. Price also depends on the module you want to include.

Approximatively, with no module.
Is just for have an idea.


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