The generational conflicts of the twentieth century

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Advanced Member level 2
May 7, 2004
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generational conflicts

i know people who have tried this showing all their design work in new graduate interviews : the problem is no one has the time or money, but more importantly no one cares about young people any more.

this baby boomer generation only cares about itself: these people born after world war 2 are the most selfish, self centered generation in recent history, all they want is to fufill their own needs !

the next generation will be laughing when they get older (which is happening) and they don't have enough money for their health care and social security.

they will be repayed hansomely for their selfishness !

comments are welcome

Re: generational conflicts

You say so because you don't live in Italy. Here is much worst.
In Italy, the generation who made the 68 had become one of the worst generation Italy had never known.
When they came to power they created a enormous public debt and live much beyond they limits (from seventies to 1996 the public debt went from 60% of GDP to 120%). Furthermore they created a retirement system where people was able to retire at 35-37 years (some) or 43-47 years (the most). Now, we have 22 millions workers and 19 millions of retired and we have a retirement system called "a ripartizione" where the workers pay the pension at the retires. In Italy at the moment 1/3 of the labor cost go to pay retirement system. Naturally the system couldn't last, so the government (where you don't find a 40-years old in any way) reformed the system, but discharging all the cost on the workers. The pensioner call they pension "achieved rights". Pretty hilarius for one worked 15 years in all his life.
Have I finished? I'm sorry, I'm not. In Italy you cannot be fired without a "good reason". This is the famous article 18. But this works only if you are a permanent worker. So, at the moment, you have the older workers protected by article 18, and the most of young people with contract like adecco or similars without any rights. Naturally the companies don't engage in permanent form any more or however pretty rarely.

So if you have 20-30 years or less and you work in Italy you have no rights, lower wages (700-1100 euros per months) and you have to pay the rights of the older workers, and the pension to who had retired at 35-45 years old (with a third of the labor cost), and naturally your future pension will be a fraction of theirs (the young people have another system).

This is Italy ........ the next Argentine of Europe ....

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