Member level 3

I am designing a UART using SystemVerilog, the interface has been provided
How do I pass/connect this interface to my UART module, while experimenting I have tried the following
VCS keeps giving this error
I am new to interfaces, and even have tried simple examples like the following in MODELSIM
This too does not work, and MODELSIM gives the following error
interface u0if ;
logic clk,rst;
logic read; // bus read operation
logic [7:0] addr; // device address
logic [7:0] din; // bus data to UART
logic write; // write operation
logic [7:0] dout; // bus data from UART
logic txir; // transmitter interrupt request
logic txack; // Acknowledge for txir from CPU
logic rxir; // receiver interrupt request
logic rxack; // rxir acknowledge
logic tcir; // transmitter complete interrupt request
logic tcack; // ack for transmitter complete
logic txdata; // UART data out
logic rxdata; // UART data in
clocking CB @(posedge clk );
output #1 rst,read,addr,din,write,tcack,txack,rxack;
input dout,txir,rxir,tcir;
modport dw(input txir,rxir,tcir,txdata,
rst,read,addr,din,write,clocking CB,
output rxdata);
modport u0(input clk,rst,read,write,din,addr,
output dout,txdata,txir,rxir,tcir);
endinterface : u0if
How do I pass/connect this interface to my UART module, while experimenting I have tried the following
`timescale 1ns/10ps
module uart (u0if pins);
logic a =;
logic b = pins.write;
logic c = pins.txack;
logic d = pins.rxack;
logic e = pins.tcack;
logic f = pins.tcir;
logic g = pins.clk;
logic h = pins.rst;
logic i = pins.addr;
logic j = pins.din;
logic k = pins.rxdata;
assign pins.dout = 7'b0000000;
assign pins.txir = 1'b0;
assign pins.rxir = 1'b0;
assign pins.tcir = 1'b0;
assign pins.txdata = 1'b0;
VCS keeps giving this error
Error-[SV-UIP] Unconnected interface port, 3
The port 'pins' of top-level module 'uart' whose type is interface 'u0if' is
left unconnected. It is illegal to leave the interface ports unconnected.
Please make sure that all the interface ports are connected.
I am new to interfaces, and even have tried simple examples like the following in MODELSIM
interface intf_AB;
logic ack;
logic ready;
logic send;
logic [31:0] data;
module moduleA ( input bit clk
, intf_AB intf1
This too does not work, and MODELSIM gives the following error
Fatal: (vsim-3695) F:/*******/******/example/ The interface port 'intf1' must be passed an actual interface.