Synopsys PrimeTime an effective way to dump out delays and slews of all arcs and pins

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Newbie level 4
Sep 18, 2017
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In Synopsys PrimeTime, what would be an effective way to dump out delays and slews at all arcs and pins in the design? I've written a tcl script to achieve that but on a 160K cell design it takes more than 10min. Whereas report timing takes only half a minute. So I'm guessing that there must be some more efficient way to achieve this. Tcl script that I wrote looks like following:

proc print_arcs_for_calibration {} {
    set outfile "pt_val_clb.txt"
    exec rm -f $outfile
    foreach_in_collection xyz [get_ports] {
        set pn [get_attribute $xyz full_name]
        set dir [get_attribute -class port $pn port_direction]
        if {$pn!="ispd_clk" && $dir!="out"} {
            clb_show_arcs -from $pn >> $outfile
    foreach_in_collection xyz [get_cells] {
        set is_seq [get_attribute $xyz is_sequential]
        set cn [get_attribute $xyz full_name]
        set opn "$cn/o"
        clb_show_arcs -to $opn >> $outfile
        clb_show_arcs -from $opn >> $outfile

Where, "clb_show_arcs" is another procedure, a part of which is shown below:

proc clb_show_arcs {args} {

    foreach_in_collection arc [eval [concat get_timing_arcs $args]] {
      set is_cellarc [get_attribute $arc is_cellarc]
      set fpin [get_attribute $arc from_pin]
      set tpin [get_attribute $arc to_pin]
      set rise [get_attribute $arc delay_max_rise]
      set fall [get_attribute $arc delay_max_fall]

      set from_pin_name [get_attribute $fpin full_name]
      set to_pin_name [get_attribute $tpin full_name]
      echo [format "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" \
          $riseSlewIn $fallSlewIn $from_pin_name $to_pin_name \
          $rise $fall $is_cellarc $ceffR $ceffF $riseSlewOut \

Large runtime is not due to file I/O caused by the echo at the bottom of clb_show_arcs procedure. Even if I comment that out, runtime to traverse over all the arcs and extracting delay, slew and ceff values at appropriate arcs/pins takes more than 10min.

Is there a more efficient way out there? Do I need to set some variables?


Anything that you do using TCL will be very slow when compared to native tool analysis. TCL will do multiple function calls whenever you issue a get_attr, whereas the native tool just need to access a pointer to the structure, if you know what I mean.

Whenever I need to do my own parsing of some internal data, I try to make the tool report as much as it can before I have to start issuing specific get_attr on individual structures. That's my only tip, try to start from a better report_timing, showing slews and arcs already, then take it from there?

That helps. I got a hint on what I can try. Thanks a lot for your prompt and useful reply.

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