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ya you have really a good idea chuat
i have done the same in my project my project name is "Real-time remote data aqusitian through LAN and internet"
we used TCP and HTTP protocols in our project and a 32bit micro-controller (lpc2148) in our project.
I can help you. please pm me.
A sample and of course interesting project could be : " The Wireless Communication of 2 Computers "
You might need to work on Microcontroller , Zigbee , wireless protocols , Wireless Modules , etc.
As many new members are just asking for the same topic with the same requirement, we'll surely think of having an exclusive thread with the Subject "Final year project suggesions and solutions"
Start by defining what things (humidity, moisture, temperature, light, time....) to monitor. Then define what things you want to control. Do you want to build everything from scratch?...buy and interface off-the-shelf modules?...buy wireless sensors and wireless controllers, and just deal with the software?
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