Suggest a good book for learning Visual Basic

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If you already know programming (data types, loops, etc...) VB.NET 2005 Cookbook by O'Riley media is helpful to get things up and running.

As far as a good book to address OOP in VB.NET I don't know, the programmers manual goes into all kinds of detail but it is spendy and long winded.

If you need VB 6 DO NOT get the book recomended above. The book above should be fairly compatable with VB.NET 2008 (I have not ported to 2008 yet so I am not sure)

Since you posted this to the micro forum I assume you want to talk to a micro through a serial port. Serial Port Complete may also help.

are u learning vb for electronics?if so please reply


Can u suugest a good book for learning visual basic for electronics? thanks

any thanks??


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