[SOLVED] Stack Underflow When the Number of an Array is Increased

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Perhaps a turn around for that issue could be adding pre processors directive that instructs compiler to allocate that big variable within a contiguous region. Taking a look on CCS user's guide it is possible to identify a directive that is likely to do that, as follows:

Code C - [expand]
int8 array[<size_of_array>] __attribute__((aligned(<address_of_array>)));


Allocating memory objects is easy in CCS C with #locate directive. Presume that Apsua already did it during test.

I may have been overlooked something, but isn't #locate directive used just with program memory ?

No. I used the below code the reproduce the discussed compiler bug
#include <18f46k80.h>

int8 *ptr;
int8 dat[3] = {1,2,4};
int8 dat2[3] = {1,2,4};
#locate dat2=0x0fe

void main(void)
   ptr = dat;
   shift_right(ptr, 3, 0);
   ptr = dat2;
   shift_right(ptr, 3, 0);
Thanks for help.
If the bug still exists, I think I should report the bug.

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