SPI problem in eeprom pic16f151x

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All of the signals are ok, now. However I am still not get the expected results. I am trying to write the SPI_Read to get the data back to debug.

The data output and signal from SEN

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The output signal of Dout

These are the signals when I transfer 0x0070 (0x0070 0x0070 | 0x0000) with an address (0x0070) , Mode (write = 0x0000) and 0xff for a data.

Does anyone know how to write the read data from MikroC. I want to check base on the MCU. I wrote like that but it is not work.
unsigned char SL900A_Read(unsigned int uirMode, unsigned int uirAddress){
     unsigned char ucResult;
     SEN = 1;
     uiTemp = uirAddress | uirMode;
     SPI1_Write(uiTemp >> 8);
     SPI1_Write(uirAddress & 0x00FF);
     ucResult= SPI1_Read(0);
     SEN = 0;
     return ucResult;
unsigned char ucKQ;
unsigned int uiAdd,i,uiMo,uirMo;
ucKQ = SL900A_Read(uirMo, 0x01F0);
if(ucKQ == 0x01)
         PORTB.B4 = 1;
        PORTB.B4 = 1;
        PORTB.B4 = 0;

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I just skip some code lines (SPI_Init) and declare the Internal Clock.
You can see in the attached file. Thanks.
View attachment SL900A.rar

I wrote data to EEPROM but the result was not good. Some memory regions were skiped. I think I chose inapproriate delay value.

20 ms delay should be used between successive read or write to eeprom. Also GIE_bit has to be turned OFF before eeprom operation and it has to be enabled if needed after eeprom operation.
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