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Spartan XCS05 XL free software ?

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Feb 10, 2002
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spartan xl fpga express

Is there a free sofware from Xilinx supporting "old" FPGA :
XC05 Spartan XL (and even 4000 series) ?

Supported devices on Xilinx web pages is not very clear for me ?

If no free sofware exist what is the lower price one ?

My old Foundation 1.4 need some upgrade !

Thanks in advance.

spartan xcs05

you can take form xilinx site or i think that you can requesta a cd whit the webpack software.
is free and supoprt the new family of fpga.
you must program in vhdl or verilog.
Whit this software you can palce and route all the chipest devices or the low target of bigger devices (virtex family.)
the software is really free and you take also the modelsim to simulate your projects.

ise classic spartan xl

I found several Free Webpacks on Xilinx site but none of them
support "old" Spartan. Am I wrong ?

fpga express free


For Spartan XL devices your can use only old WebPacks. I have seen them some time ago on ftp sites of Xilinx distributors, so ask them.

As for XC4000 series, I don't know free software, but they are not recommended for new designs.

spartan xl project


My advice is stay back from Spartan XL family, I used them, and I was quite satisfied with overall performance, but ...

Spartan XL family past away :cry: :cry:

Xilinx does not support them anymore. The way to use this family is to get the some older version of xilinx tool, you can get it with VHDL books or if you are lucky send a mail to xilinx support, there are some nice people who will help you.

Good luck, Bart

spartan 4k

Not really a true statement about Spartan XL passing away.

Xilinx says that ISE4.1 sp3 is the LAST rerlease to support this chip along with the others that are missing in ISE5.

They will continue to produce these parts as long as sales are good and have removed them from new software updates because they consider the code stable and do not want to corrupt it.

Now the good news , They plan on putting ise4.1i sp3 into FREE distribution as a webpack on there site sometime this year.

spartan-xl vhdl

gajets said:
Not really a true statement about Spartan XL passing away.

As the original tool ISE does not support it means "don't use it for new designs"

Spartan XL was an ASIC replacement and it success, I had good experience with it, but it is time to move on.

Spartan III is the future.

gajets said:
Xilinx says that ISE4.1 sp3 is the LAST release to support this chip....

Not true, ISE 4 does not support it, you can create designs for Spartan XL only using others synthesis tools (Leo, Syn...)


spartan-xl synthesis

Not to be sarcastic , but I have spent the last year doing several designs on SpartanXL with ISE4.2 {not 4.1 oops} and I am actively working on a designright now using the xcs10xl-4tq144 with ISE 4.2sp3, in FGPA express.

What ISE 4.2 does not support for new designs is "FPGAexpress" directly in new project menu , But you can use any tool and make it and EDIF project to compile , including any schematic capture or compiler that exports EDIF.

The results are exactly the same. All that ISE Project manger refuses to do for you is call the FPGA express compiler for you.

So you/edit work in FPGA express, export the EDIF and compile in xilinx.

Which is exactly what xilinx does for you as part of its flow/project . only real difference is 2 steps instead of one.

I still can use ise4.2 to support and update designe for xc4000 series part done in viewlogic from 10 years ago, and with no real effort.


It isn't really ISE 4.2 which supports Spartan XL, it's
Xilinx Spartan 4k 4.2, or ISE Classic

I have a xcs05-3 chip here, and I can't use it!!! :cry:
Where can I download FPGA Express (for free?) or other Spartan XL
supporting synthesis :?:

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