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spark detector project??

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Apr 29, 2005
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uv spark detector

i'm thinking of doin spark detector...i'm beginner in it..i like to detect the spark in an area ...if there is spark..i want to activate a system (water line) to suppress spark or fire..

plz post ur view and related material that can be helpful to my project

Hi buts101,
I see a problem if you trigger a water line to put out fire caused by spark or electric malfunction would create a havoc as water is conductor of electricity (unless it is very pure) and this would cause trouble.
Try using a system that trigger a DCP (Dry Chemical power) or a Form type extinguishing system.

Now coming to the case of detecting a spark. Spark is caused by a short circuiting or due to high potential feild that causes the medium to conduct.
1) For the first case you can have a short detecting system called a Murays loop described on this site Murray Loop Link : h**p:// TM-11-2019/css/TM-11-2019_34.htm (Replace * with t)
2) For spark caused due to high voltage you can employee a electric field measuring transducer like a Ballistic Galvanometer or a Hall effect transducer information on this is available in Electrical and Electronics Measurement by A.K.Sawney.


well, actually spark is caused by many other things besides "short circuit" or "high potential".

Spark is caused by striking steel with flint.

Spark is caused by burning limb falling to ground.


as is SO common on these forums, the questioner did a very poor job of defining his problem and parameters.

if he truly only wants to detect -electrical- sparks, then UV-sensing is probably the most reliable. But if he wants to detect -any- kind of spark, including pure thermal sources, and do it without false-alarms from sun, electric lighting, people flicking a BIC, etc.....then it is a very tough job to do robustly.

I would look for info on flame-detection, as used for boiler start-up etc..

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