Some help needed for my project

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Junior Member level 1
Jan 12, 2010
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I am currently developing a fan which can be controlled by temperature and also manually by the user using bluetooth technology. I will also incorperate a LCD to display the temperature. I am also planning to develop a software using either C#, VB or C++ to control the fan. As this is my first time conducting a project by myself i am in need of some guidance to help my start my project.

The hardware which i am planing to use is:
1)PIC877 microcontroller
2)LM35 temperature sensor

Is the microcontroller PIC877 suitable for my project?

I know there are a lot more items needed but I am not really sure what other hardware is needed. I hope you all will be able to provide me some help and advice regarding on the hardware's needed. It would be great if anyone could list down the most suitable components to be used.

I would also like to know what type of bluetooth module is suitable for my project.

I would like to make a fan which can be controlled by temperature and also be controlled wirelessly by the user. I would like to develop a program which will allow the user to switch the fan on/off and also allow the user to control the fan speed instead of just using the temperature sensor.

Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated. Thx all

Finals said:
...also manually by the user using bluetooth technology. I will also incorperate a LCD to display the temperature....
The hardware which i am planing to use is:
1)PIC877 microcontroller
2)LM35 temperature sensor
You need as HW Analog input on your uP, a bluetooth module + pwr supply too...

Ok thx i will conduct some research.

Anyone else would like to give additional ideas?


If you use C# or VB in the PC to control the fan then use PC's Parallel port to connect the Fan, LCD module and the temperature sensor module.

And also you can connect USB bluetooth module directly to the PC, No need microcontroller and this is simple (and low cost) solution for you.

If you wish to automate things without PC then you can use microcontroller.


Wow, i would be grateful if you could explain a bit more. Does this mean i can just fix everything on a breadboard and connect it to my PC(laptop) using the parallel ports? Hmm.. but if i connect the circuit to my computer's parallel ports, would i still be controlling my circuit wirelessly? O_O

My idea is to develop a fan which can be controlled by temperature and also be controlled wirelessly. I would like to develop a program which will allow the user to switch the fan on/off and also allow the user to control the fan speed instead of just using the temperature sensor.


here some example to connect LCD to Parallel port

Interfacing Example - 16 Character x 2 Line LCD

for bluetooth connection

DBT-120 Wireless Bluetooth 2.0 USB Adapter

likewise you can connect the devices through PC's parallel port, serial port or USB port


Hii how about using AVR atmega 8535 and bascom avr, it has 8 port ADC 10 bit and 1 Uart for communicate with PC. I think AVR is more cheaper than PIC in my country (LOVE INDONESIA).

For AVR atmega 8535 u can use this schematic and modified it

but u must know that using internal ADC AVR u must use inductor, refer to datasheer AVR ATMEGA 8535 for further explanation.

for LCD u can use this :

it's used at90s2313 u can modified the port for atmega 8535, see the data sheet

and for communicate with PC u can use max 232 for level converters :

just modified for atmega 8535, see the datasheet

for more information just visit this site :

great tutorial and very easy to understand.

And for PC program i recomend u using visual basic 6.0 (not .net) and communicate with serial port . In visual basic it has mscom32.ocx for serial communication. Or if u use delphi u can install component serial from dejan carmila comport 2.6 just google it. It 's easy to use. I used delphi for my second semester project for read temperature ( sensor temperature lm 35, very cheap just 2 dollars ) and display the value with graphic at the pc, just let me know if u need it.

DENY (Bodat'z)

for the bluetooth module on microcontroller side I'd suggest BLUEMORE series modules from eikon italy, you can buy online directly from them

I use BLUEMORE200 that's a class 1, once setted (with a simple software) it works like wireless uart and you can connect to PC, smartphones and so on


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