Solar/Wind Power Battery Regulator Circuit Design

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Newbie level 2
Jan 19, 2012
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I want to make a low-cost solar power regulator designed for a small system that has a 150W solar panel and 150W wind generator to charge up 1 (or possibly 2) deep cell solar batteries. I would like to have it step up the voltage during cloudy/calm wind days, and step down for the sunny/windy conditions.

It would help to see a good schematic design and also any recommendations regarding the best way to automatically step up/down in an efficient and cost-effective way.

Thank you for your help.

Hi. You need to go much further and deeper in the papers before looking at schematics.

You can't just increase voltage out when the wind blows less, that would only make the wind-mill to stall.

Modern solar charger circuits does excactly that, but requires a program that can monitor input voltage (and fan speed) and a lot of math.

I know it exists, but unfortunately I don't know the method that is used.

That has me confused then because I just wanted to take the small voltage coming in, and step it up to say 14.3 volts and whatever increase it took to get to 14.3V would reduce respectively for the Amps so that the total Watts from the wind turbine would be the same.

So I don't see why simple voltage conversion would cause any extra forces.
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Because a solar panel will not be able to keep that output voltage on a battery when it's cloudy.

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