software for writing out equations??

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Junior Member level 3
Nov 23, 2005
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hi guys and gals.

i am looking for some simple software that will allow me to write out equations, formulae etc...

i know microsoft word has a facility for it, but for some reason mine doesnt so cant use it.

can you suggest or provide a download link to anything i can use??


rather than trying to find out other programs, etc... it might be a good idea to learn LateX notation and how to use it. Eventually you will have to use it somewhere, so the sooner the better.

I double that suggestion -- there are lots of freeware out there for LaTeX systems. If you have a PC I would suggest that you take a look at MiKTeX MiKTeX Project Page
There are lots of resources out there if you are willing to spend a bit of time learning. EDAboard allows us to put in LaTeX equations like this
\[y(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(\tau) x(t-\tau) d \tau \]

Try it and give it some time I think you will like it.

Best regards,

P.S. Here is how the formula was typed in the message body.
\[y(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(\tau) x(t-\tau) d \tau \]
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LaTeX can be a programming language but they way I (and most other users) use it -- it is just like a markup editor. In a way very similar to HTML. If you have used the message entry in EDAboard (what I am using to write this message), then you probably know enough to get by.

But I agree with you -- it is an acquired taste! The editors that you are mentioning are pretty good. There is also another commercial tool called Scientific Workplace

If you want more of a M$ Word type text entry but still nice looking TeX documents, please take a look at LyX
-- it is freeware and is available for most operating systems.

Best regards,

Yeah I've used bouth latex and lyx on linux, even the old Corel Word Perfect Office EqEditor was based on latex, you'd write the equations in code, but what if your friend, employer or profesor (can happen) need to read and review your document, thesis and so on, some of them have't heard of tex and how the hell wuld they make eny changes or sugestions on a M$ windows machine, latex documents need to be compiled to a dvi output before they can be read or printed, and as far as i know there is no way back, math type 5 is compatable with M$ Equation Editor that has been around sence the 16 bit vesions of office and windows, and as I mentiond Corel's new EqEditor allso suports it, as well as Sun's Star Office-Open Office.

İ think best one is the latex.Some other tools related with latex can be used.For example Lyx.Also you can use open office instead of microsoft office which has its own formula program.

I also think LaTeX is the best way to go. If you're on a PC, I suggest using the MikTex interpreter along with a good text editing tool such as WinEdt.

However, if you're not ready to swith to LaTeX full on, is a free office suite that includes a pretty decent equation editor that is much easier to use than Microsoft's.

i now have mathtype 5.2 c

From memory, the equation editor in Word isn't very good - but the last time I used it was YEARS ago so it may have improved.

WordPerfect was better. In fact, back in my uni days (early 90s) one of the things I did in a holiday job was lay out a maths textbook for uni students in WordPerfect for DOS!

But if you're really doing serious equations, then LaTeX is the way to go. I found it easier to use than plain TeX. I used LaTeX for my maths thesis, at the time I went through the majority of maths and physics students also used LaTeX. At the time there were a few good books about LaTeX floating around, I got one for $30ish and it was a great investment. Now you can probably find lots of notes and primers and stuff on the Web - but back then, the WWW didn't exist.

Added after 37 seconds:

oh here the other one

I have a friend who had the same problem like you, bantamm. He goes on microsoft and download the Microsoft Equation. So now he is fine. I think you should do the same thing.

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