software do simulate FPGA design

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Member level 3
Jan 19, 2004
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simulate fpga

what is the best software for beginner, easy-to-use, for simulating fpga design?

There are two famous HDL simulators:
Modelsim and ActiveHDL.
I worked with both of them and I think that Modelsim
is better that Active. It is really a professional tool. I recomand you to start with it and make it you native simulator!

I heard that ActiveHDL is good for HDL coding, you may found its environment like VC. And Modelsim is good for simulating. If you do small project, modelsim is enough for coding and be the first choice.


Davy Zhu

The Modelsim is very good for beginner, it's very easy to use.

You can use modelsim to do some functional testing.


I recommend u to use the Modelsim.

I recommend you use Modelsim. If you are doing a small project, simply use modelsim XE with compiled xilinx's library. If you are doing larger project, use Modelsim PE and compile your xilinx's library manually. If you are doing a huge project, use Modelsim SE. I am not sure the different of Modelsim SE and others similar simulation software in terms of performance and accuracy. Anyway, I work comfortable with Modelsim SE.

The ActiveHDL will be better than Modelsim if the design project not using the BlockRam in FPGA.

why Xilinx is not the best? I always knew Xilinx was the right software but looks I am wrong.

Someone cares to explan this to me. Why AlctiveHDL or ModelSim. By the way I used modelsim in VHDL programming class I had. Xilinx seems graphically easier, better I think. IS that right?

Modelsim is more powerfull and comes with a lot of IDE.

The standart today is Modelsim for medium to large designs .
It will be good for simple designs too .

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