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Sms and gprs via GSM module

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Member level 3
Jun 8, 2010
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Hi all ,
I’ve just got one SIM548 Evaluation Board .
I’ve tested some of the AT Commands like send and receive SMS in text and PDU format and it worked properly .
Now I want to check out GPRS part . I almost don’t have any information about GPRS .
Is there any way to quickly send some GPRS AT Commands through Hyper Terminal and see a massage or something like that on my mobile . Just like SMS AT Commands .
I know it’s possible to send and receive SMS via GPRS .
I verified some GPRS AT Commands .
I want to send data from one GSM module to another (via GPRS)
Any help ? By the way ,
Isn't there any free server to show my GPRS data sent to it ?
Or a server which could send GPRS data to my GSM module ?


Did you read the SIM548 AT Commands Set manual? It has a chapter about TCPIP application toolkit related commands. It provides a convenient way to communicate through GPRS without implementing a PPP stack in your application software.
Did you read the SIM548 AT Commands Set manual? It has a chapter about TCPIP application toolkit related commands. It provides a convenient way to communicate through GPRS without implementing a PPP stack in your application software.
I've followed the GPRS AT Commands till Sending data AT Command .
For that I made use of a server (I used the IP of that server) and the connection was ok
When sending the data I didn't get the "sent ok" response .
I think the server rejected that data .
The problem is I can't see what's happened in the server so I'm looking for a server to see if the incoming data is rejected or not .
My main problem is a way to check data . In SMS I used my mobile to verify different events and in GPRS I'm looking for a way to do that .
Mobile ? Server ? Or any other way ?
How could I have a connection through GPRS between 2 GSM modules ?

i think you have to run a remote server on a pc, i used this software to track gprs communication long back, but now i dont have any logs to show you.. this captures the communication of server and the modem...

try this
**broken link removed**
i think you have to run a remote server on a pc, i used this software to track gprs communication long back, but now i dont have any logs to show you.. this captures the communication of server and the modem...

try this
**broken link removed**

Thank you sir for this link i too was searching for similar Application. :)

TCPIP connection between mobile stations will be problematic, because most service providers don't route ingoing connections.

Unfortunately, I can't help you with SIMCOM TCPIP operation, beacuse I don't use this product. Other vendors have different commands for their built-in TCPIP stack. I've tested Siemens modems successful in the past. Did you notice, that SIMOCOM has a TCPIP application note, describing the operation with SIM100 .. SIM300. I didn't chck however, if it applies to SIM548 as well.
i think you have to run a remote server on a pc, i used this software to track gprs communication long back, but now i dont have any logs to show you.. this captures the communication of server and the modem...

try this
**broken link removed**
Thanks I downloaded it . I still don't know how to communicate with it .
At first I specify an IP address and port Number here in this software .
Then with the GPRS AT Command I specify the IP address of the server and the port number specified previously .
Could I use this software to run a remote server on my PC and be able to send a GPRS data from a GSM module to an IP address with the port number specified here and see the data ?
Unfortunately, I can't help you with SIMCOM TCPIP operation, beacuse I don't use this product. Other vendors have different commands for their built-in TCPIP stack. I've tested Siemens modems successful in the past. Did you notice, that SIMOCOM has a TCPIP application note, describing the operation with SIM100 .. SIM300. I didn't chck however, if it applies to SIM548 as well.
Thanks , I don't think there would be much difference between SIM300 and SIM548 .The main difference is that SIM548 is equipped with GPS module .
I must check out this application note .

Could I use this software to run a remote server on my PC and be able to send a GPRS data from a GSM module to an IP address with the port number specified here and see the data ?
Presumed that your computer is connected through a local network, e.g. a DSL router to the internet, you have to configure port forwarding to your computer in the router. And of course, the gprs modem has to connect to the external IP address of your network, not the local IP address.

Hi all ,
I managed to have a connection between 2 gsm modules via gprs :



AT+CIPSTART=”TCP”,”ip of the server”,”8080”

I can send data from client to server but I can't send data from server to client
What's the problem ?
I checked AT+CIPSTART and AT+CIPSEND and these 2 commands don't work in server part to send data from server to client
how could I send data from server to client?

I read the application note from simcom but it's not complete
Where could I find a complete datasheet for tcpip and gprs communication ?
I searched the net and it was useless

Thanks alot

My problem is solved now .
There is another command I must use in the server commands to have a bilateral communication and if I don’t use this command I just could send data from the client to the server
Here is the command : “AT+CIPCCON=2”
This command specifies that this part is server

Now I have a bilateral communication between 2 GSM modules through GPRS
The point is these IPs are dynamic and aren’t static . If we won’t be able to buy static IPs from the providers we could just simply use SMS to send these IPs to server or client and establish a bilateral communication


I see you can't verify you sent data in a pc. you can did it only using two modules.
ckshivaram recommed you a software , but there are a software from SIMCOM, very easy and it work really good. If you are interested in it let me know.

I'm doing a proyect with gprs and I solved the problem about dinamic ip by creating an account in www. dyndns .com and a domain name, it's free and I don't have any problem so far. In this case the server is my computer with PhpMyAdmin.

The changes would:


AT+CIPSTART=”TCP”,”domain name”,”8080”

Hope I help you.
skype: luisriverar
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