Slow graphics in cadence.

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Jul 8, 2008
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slow scroll cadence

Hello all,

We have Cadence ICFB 5141 installed in our lab. Its is installed on a
file server but we mount the share and run it on RHEL 4 WS release 4
update 7 on a 64 bit server. The sever is Dell 1900 Poweredge with
dual quad core 2.3 GHz processors. We have a 22 inch Dell E228WFP flat
screen monitor.

We generally ssh into the dell servers from other pc's in the lab
using Xmanager on a windows PC and run Cadence. It runs perfectly.
However if we work on the server itself, trying to zoom in/out or
scroll left/right is terribly slow in layout and schematic views. It
takes almost a second for it to zoom in. I read on the internet that
we need a good graphics card. The servers came with ATI ES1000 VGA
output on board graphics card which I read was not good enough for

We bought a HIS ATI Radeon x1550 512 MB HyperMemory With 256 MB DDR2
PCIe x1 card with dual DVI output for the server and configured it
using ATI's propriety driver version 9.1. But we still have the same
problem. So we cannot work on the server itself but connect remotely
and it works perfectly!

Any suggestions or leads are appreciated.


Vaibhav Garg

cadence needs graphic card ??

My guess, and it's just a guess is that the proprietary driver is to blame for that. I have an ATI card on my notebook and I have found that for 2D things the open source drivers work better with eda tools.
I don't know how it is called on red hat but I would give the xf86-video-ati driver (or equivalent) a try.

I have same problem.
Where can I find that drivers forX1650?

P.S. I see that on NVIDIA 6600 also.

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