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Skywater 130nm PDK and Cadence

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Mar 30, 2010
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Anyone used skywater 130nm PDK in Cadence virtuoso environment? if yes, would you guide us how to start installing this PDK and using it in Cadence.

All the PDKs I've ever received came with some install docs that tell you how to point at the various pieces (often giving you template cds.env, cds.lib, .cdsinit and basic install info). More meant for Chief Cad Dude or local sysadmin, than "regular users" as you'll probably want to put some of this in places with permissions that prevent clueless users from making a mess of what they don't own.

It would be surprising if you received any PDK (aside maybe from the open source one) without interacting with inside-Skywater people. Might hit up your point of contact if you really can't find the installation info down in the tarball.
Thanks for your reply, you’re always helpful

The issue here is that I’m not sure whether the open PDK 130nm by skywater can be used in Cadence, I saw many folks using it with Magic Klauout ..etc but not cadence

The main page of PDK is claiming this PDK is in experimental stage and documentation is in progress. It means, that this PDK may not be ready for use with professional analog tools provided by Cadence.
The most probably, you will need to create CDFs and skill scripts for all devices based on documentation attached to Virtuoso (like CDF user guide and Skill user guide). It is possible and doable, however my experience with regular Cadence Virtuoso users is that majority of them cannot manage this.
As long as you have not time to study virtuoso doc (there is several kpages), don't touch it.

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The 130 flow is legacy from before they were Skywater and expect that a regular PDK is, has been in place - but the open PDK is not it, just its root stock (and likely pruning).

If this is for personal use rather than a team use, I would recommend just copying the SCS model files to your personal directory and add them to your tests. This will get you started in Analog Design. However, I was not able to find the files for the same, so I am not sure whether they have published the spectre model files yet.

You ought to talk to Skywater about availability of the
Cadence PDK if Cadence is your platform. You may
have to "cuddle with the design enablement POC"
to get it if you're not a contractual customer. The PDK
may date from the Cypress days, or may have been
kept current for their major customers.

Be sure you are clear about the platform up front, people looking for legit Cadence tape-in are probably getting buried in the free tapeout landslide. You might need to knock on another door.

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