Simulation of a component that's not fully compiled

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I can't do it anymore. I think I'm messing in the libraries. I have to use avs_aes_lib and work.
Could someone download the source, compile it and tell me what they got?

What do you think you're messing?

just open it up into a different folder and try compiling again.

When creating a fresh folder I have only this when compiling:
# QuestaSim-64 vcom 10.2c Compiler 2013.07 Jul 19 2013
# -- Loading package STANDARD
# -- Loading package TEXTIO
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package NUMERIC_STD
# -- Loading package avs_aes_pkg
# -- Compiling entity avs_aes_tb
# -- Compiling architecture arch1 of avs_aes_tb
# -- Loading entity avs_AES
But when simulating I get that:
# ** Warning: (vsim-3473) Component instance "AES_CORE_1 : AES_CORE" is not bound.
#    Time: 0 ns  Iteration: 0  Instance: /avs_aes_tb/avs_aes_1 File: ../rtl/VHDL/avs_aes.vhd
I think it shows the problem but it's only a warning, not an error. Why?

yes, you only compiled the testbench.
You havent compiled any other files.

Assuming this is Avalon core.

There is shed load of information contained within the downloaded directory.

There is a manual (trunk/doc/manual/avs_aes) which states the following

Furthermore there is information available in the truck/doc/sw/html/tree.html

Taking a step back and just trying to get the following to work....
We are interested in trunk/bench & trunk/rtl

I gave the following a quick go.

Code TCL - [expand]
vlib avs_aes_lib
#vmap work work
set path_rtl "/home/P_9999_00121/iss_a.1/Downloads/avs_aes/trunk/rtl/VHDL/"
foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $path_rtl *.vhd] {
  vcom -just p -work avs_aes_lib $file
foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $path_rtl *.vhd] {
  vcom -just e -work avs_aes_lib $file
foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $path_rtl *.vhd] {
  vcom -just b -work avs_aes_lib $file
foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $path_rtl *.vhd] {
  vcom -just a -work avs_aes_lib $file

What I found was
# ** Error: /home/P_9999_00121/iss_a.1/Downloads/avs_aes/trunk/rtl/VHDL/sboxM4k.vhd(53): Library altera_mf not found.
# ** Error: /home/P_9999_00121/iss_a.1/Downloads/avs_aes/trunk/rtl/VHDL/sboxM4k.vhd(54): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "altera_mf".
# ** Error: /home/P_9999_00121/iss_a.1/Downloads/avs_aes/trunk/rtl/VHDL/sboxM4k.vhd(53): Library altera_mf not found.
# ** Error: /home/P_9999_00121/iss_a.1/Downloads/avs_aes/trunk/rtl/VHDL/sboxM4k.vhd(54): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "altera_mf".

Seems to me you need to have some altera parts compiled into your modelsim/questa work area.

I've just came back and read your post. I didn't read everything from the documentation as I'm french, I don't understand everything but I'll do it once again tomorrow.

Now I've switch from Questa to ModelsimASE as the altera libraries are required and I get that:
# ** Error: (vsim-7) Failed to open VHDL file "sbox_inv.hex" in rb mode.
I've read several messages on this very forum but nothing resolved the problem.
Any idea?

I'm assuming the sbox_inv.hex file is ROM data that is getting loaded in a memory when the simulation runs.

Find the location of the file sbox_inv.hex in the directory structure. Note where it is located. Now determine where you are running the simulation (i.e. pwd in the console window). Find what file calls out the sbox_inv.hex and make sure the relative directory (or absolute directory) and the current .hex file location are the same. If they aren't change either where the file resides or fix the path in the file that requires the sbox_inv.hex data.

You can use Questa (it's faster than Modelsim AE, assuming you mean the Altera Edition), just compile the Altera libraries, they have the procedure in the Altera Quartus-II manuals.

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