Simple GSM Antenna on PCB

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Dec 21, 2001
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simple gsm antenna


I need to know if it is possible to build a simple Antenna for GSM (900 MHz) on a 0.8mm thick FR4 PCB.

If not, is there any other simple solution to build an Antenna using a piece of wire (folded or bent in some way), for the GSM 900 band ?

I need the antenna to be located inside a small Plastic Box (ABS material), coupled to a standard GSM module.

I do not have much experience with RF - however, I am willing to learn and experiment - any inputs would be appreciated.




You can build a "F" antena, or a simple impres dipole, or a patch it depends on our space.
Reactions: nagarajkumark


    Points: 2
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    Points: 2
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from what smokey said, I think that he should use only microstip , fo his board is 0.8mm double side borad.
so, if use the patch, how to feed it ?

what do U mean by "F" ? is it a PIFA(Planar Inverted F Antenna)? do U have the size of it for 900MHz ?

for a "dipole", have to change a single ended port to a differential port ?

will monopole work well ?

thank U .


The PCB space available is about 55mm x 15mm. The height available (above PCB is 3mm).

I am not familiar with RF technology - hence terms such as `F' or `Impress dipole' are greek to me - I would appreciate some help in terms of a simple appnote or diagrams if possible.

WHat kind of antenna do GSM phones like Nokia 3310/8250, etc use ? they are very tiny and have no protrusions for the antenna.



You may want to consider the antenna pattern
and gain, depending on which type you select.
For anyone whom is new to antenna design or
need some serious reference, search for the
following books:
Balanis [surename]
or Jasik & Johnson [surenames]

On 2002-04-15 23:03, tapa wrote:

You can build a

I have simulated it by Ansoft HFSS.
The result R as following:
If U use just a bent wire, it should be
If U use the line on your PCB, the lenbth should be

Good luck , and send me back the experimental results. thank U.

And would U PLZ tell me what the usage of your project, in detail, especially 4 what customer.
Thank U very much.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: yellowtooth on 2002-04-18 03:44 ]</font>

Thanks Yellowtooth,

Just a few questions ..

1> What is the track width to be used ?
2> What is the min clearance to be kept (between antenna track and other tracks - incl ground) ?
3> Should the Ant. track be a straight line or can I follow some PCB contours ?
4> Should there be a ground plane on the opposite side of the PCB (PCB thickness is 0.8mm)
5> Any other design considerations ?

I will keep you posted on the results as soon as I have them.


And would U PLZ tell me what the usage of your project, in detail, especially 4 what customer.
Why donot U tell me what market of it ?

And would U PLZ tell me what the usage of your project, in detail, especially 4 what customer.
Why donot U tell me what market of it ?

enven then, I will still give Ur answer:
(I suppose U select PCB track as ANT)
2at least 10mm,
3U'd better straight, if bent, U should use a "F" type ANT, it is complicated.
4must no GND on opposite
5can not tell in a word

Dear Yellowtooth,

Thanks for the info.

The project I am working on is to embed GSM Modem module inside a Hand-Held Terminal that we manufacture here in India.

The HHT is a small device (I can send you more info if u like) - about 10% bigger than a Palm III. I am trying to decide if I should embed the Ant inside the box or use a 2" rubber antenna outside.

The customer we are doing this for is not specific - we have a number of customers interested because of our low cost solution (HHT + GSM = <US$ 250).



Sorry, the last sentence (in my last posting) was not complete ..

" ..we have a number of customers interested because of our low cost solution (HHT + GSM = < US$ 250.) "


Thank U very much.
I want to know more information.
My E-mail:, a China mail service.

My questions:
1is the modem for data or voice transmit ?
2is the modem just the same one as GSM phone ? then what the difference of the GSM phone and HHT ?
3why cheaper ?

Thank U.

I suggest U that use rubber antenna outside.
For it have wide bandwidth, and not need U to spend time to design it.

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