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simple and cheap balance volume control

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Newbie level 4
Oct 20, 2009
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wtb volume control

I bought a used stereo unit to put in my guyrage. Unfortunately it only has two speaker outputs and no balance control knob. I have one speaker in my guyrage and one in my back porch. I'm sure the neighbors do not want to listen to my loud music so I'm looking for a volume control for that speaker. I'm sure this is just some type of potentiometer, but I did not find what I was looking for on Radio shack website or my All electronics catalog. I found a wall unit at Parts express, but $30 is way above what I should need to spend, the stereo itself was only $20. i just need a simple mountable knob I can wire in line with the speaker wire.
Any links or suggestions would be appreciated.

wtb volume control

A balance control is connected at the inputs of the amplifiers, not at the speaker wires.

Re: wtb volume control

? how does that reply help me?

Re: wtb volume control

klwdesigns said:
? how does that reply help me?
Because that is how a balance control is supposed to be connected.
The output of each amplifier is supposed to be directly connected to its speaker for good damping of resonances of the speaker. Adding a huge, heavy and expensive control in series with the speakers throws away power by making the control very hot.
A small, inexpensive balance control at the inputs of the amplifiers does not get hot.

Another option for a balance control is to use two separate volume controls instead of the one volume control that has two sections mechanically ganged together.

Re: wtb volume control

the unit i have is a receiver tape deck and cd player all in one. like somehing used in a dorm room 10 years ago. it has two speaker outputs. i just want to turn down the volume on one of the speakers so i don't disturb my neighbors. I suppose if nothing else I could put something in front of the speaker to dampen the sound, but i figured surely there is a way to control the volume of an individual speaker.

wtb volume control

If you do not care about "high fidelity" then add a power resistor in series with the speaker you want to reduce the volume on.
Its frequency response and transient response will be horrible.

Re: wtb volume control

hifi? No. I have a $20 unit playing one speaker in my garage and one in the back yard.
A "power resistor" huh. ok. I am not familiar with that specific type of resistor. If I go to Radio Shack what specifics shall I look for? 4 ohm? 20 watt?

wtb volume control

You can use Ohm's Law to calculate the value of a resistor and how much power it will dissipate that will cut the volume to the speaker. It is a simple voltage divider.
The attenuated speaker will sound even worse than the cheap music player did before.

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