Member level 5

Hi all,
here i interface 4-seven segments(common cathode) with atmega8 (avr gcc compiler).
My initial task is very simple that i need to display 0-9 on each display one by one...
but i faced two problems..
1) segments are not switching...means data is displayed on each segments not as per the MCU control.
2) digit "6" and "9" are not displaying correctly..
(in case of 6 -- 'a' segment missing ) (in case of 9 -- 'd' segment missing )
Here i had attached .rar which contains code as well as proteous file for your reference.
(test_uart.c and stepper.dsn for code as well as proteous file)
here i interface 4-seven segments(common cathode) with atmega8 (avr gcc compiler).
My initial task is very simple that i need to display 0-9 on each display one by one...
but i faced two problems..
1) segments are not switching...means data is displayed on each segments not as per the MCU control.
2) digit "6" and "9" are not displaying correctly..
(in case of 6 -- 'a' segment missing ) (in case of 9 -- 'd' segment missing )
Here i had attached .rar which contains code as well as proteous file for your reference.
(test_uart.c and stepper.dsn for code as well as proteous file)