[SOLVED] Send one parameter from systemverilog to another in Vivado 2017.3

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Member level 5
Feb 18, 2019
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greetings ... tell you that I am very new to systemverilog and I have some files to perform a simulation test for a project. This test has a main file stimulus.sv which creates an instance of another called local_g1_test_bench.sv, in this second file a vector is created for the differential clock that will be used in different modules, as follows.

reg sim_pim1_uclock0 = 1;//IEA Added
reg sim_pim1_uclock1 = 1;//IEA Added  
reg sim_pim1_uclock2 = 1;//IEA Added
reg sim_pim1_uclock3 = 1;//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #2500    sim_pim1_uclock0 = ~sim_pim1_uclock0; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #2500    sim_pim1_uclock1 = ~sim_pim1_uclock1; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #2500    sim_pim1_uclock2 = ~sim_pim1_uclock2; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #2500    sim_pim1_uclock3 = ~sim_pim1_uclock3; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added 
//assign i_pim1_uclk_p =  {sim_pim1_uclock3, sim_pim1_uclock2, sim_pim1_uclock1, sim_pim1_uclock0};
//assign i_pim1_uclk_n = ~i_pim1_uclk_p;   
wire [3:0] pgm_user_clk_p = {sim_pim1_uclock3, sim_pim1_uclock2, sim_pim1_uclock1, sim_pim1_uclock0};
wire [3:0] pgm_user_clk_n = ~pgm_user_clk_p;

I want to create the differential clock vector in the stimulus.sv file and send it to local_g1_test_bench.sv as a parameter. Could someone help me with some information to do this, please.
I leave attached the files stimulus.sv and local_g1_test_bench.sv


  • stimulus.rar
    1.4 KB · Views: 85
  • local_g1_test_bench.rar
    7.5 KB · Views: 81

I want to create the differential clock vector in the stimulus.sv file and send it to local_g1_test_bench.sv as a parameter.

You can copy+paste the above stuff from local_g1_test_bench.sv to stimulus.sv
Then use port mapping to transfer this diff clk from stimulus.sv to local_g1_test_bench.sv or other instances.

Thanks dpaul for responding, when making this change I am sending the differential clock as shown in the following code.

`timescale 100ps/100ps

module stimulus();

// Instantiate the test bench and sim_services().

import sim_services_package::*;

[B]reg sim_pim1_uclock0 = 1;//IEA Added
reg sim_pim1_uclock1 = 1;//IEA Added  
reg sim_pim1_uclock2 = 1;//IEA Added
reg sim_pim1_uclock3 = 1;//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #2500    sim_pim1_uclock0 = ~sim_pim1_uclock0; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #2500    sim_pim1_uclock1 = ~sim_pim1_uclock1; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #2500    sim_pim1_uclock2 = ~sim_pim1_uclock2; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #2500    sim_pim1_uclock3 = ~sim_pim1_uclock3; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added 
//assign i_pim1_uclk_p =  {sim_pim1_uclock3, sim_pim1_uclock2, sim_pim1_uclock1, sim_pim1_uclock0};
//assign i_pim1_uclk_n = ~i_pim1_uclk_p;   
wire [3:0] pgm_user_clk_p = {sim_pim1_uclock3, sim_pim1_uclock2, sim_pim1_uclock1, sim_pim1_uclock0};
wire [3:0] pgm_user_clk_n = ~pgm_user_clk_p;

local_g1_test_bench u_local_g1_test_bench (

  .o_pim_uclk_p         ( pgm_user_clk_p        ),  // output   [3:0] //
  .o_pim_uclk_n         ( pgm_user_clk_n        )  // output   [3:0] //


   u_sim_services = new();

   u_sim_services.set_test_name( "wtest_hotlink_pim1_rx_only_simple" );

   u_sim_services.set_test_description( "Tb generates hotlink rx messages. Verify Aurora sdma TLPs.");

   force u_local_g1_test_bench.failsafe_timeout_in_microseconds = 'd800;

   // Tell the EBC bus model to get going.
   u_local_g1_test_bench.EBC_GO = 1;

   // Tell the Aurora RX transactor to get going.

   wait( u_local_g1_test_bench.u_simulation_aurora_xactor_g1.u_xactor_core.o_aur_channel_up );

   u_local_g1_test_bench.AURORA_RX_GO = 1;

   // Enable the UUT to transmit BIT/Status messages
   u_local_g1_test_bench.hotlink_sim_enable = 1;

   #50000; // Delay 5uS = 5,000,000 ps/100ps 

   // Drive Timestamp_sync to TDF and transactors. For this simulation, align carefully so that
   // timestamp values evenly divisible by 4 align with rising edges of REFCLK.

   wait( u_local_g1_test_bench.u_g1_top.U_pim1_vhdl.U_g1_applic_top_vhdl.refclk_capt_tk ); 

     @(posedge u_local_g1_test_bench.u_g1_top.U_pim1_vhdl.i_clk);
   u_local_g1_test_bench.timestamp_sync = 1;

   // Wait for all transactors to finish
   // Wait for the aurora bus model to finish
   wait( u_local_g1_test_bench.AURORA_RX_DONE );

   // Now just wait for the signal from the ebc bus model.
   wait( u_local_g1_test_bench.EBC_DONE );

   wait( u_local_g1_test_bench.HOTLINK_DONE );


   #10000; // Delay 1uS = 1,000,000 ps/100ps 





The question is how do I receive or obtain this differential clock at local_g1_test_bench.sv?

Do you know how to
Then use port mapping to transfer this diff clk from stimulus.sv to local_g1_test_bench.sv or other instances.

You already have wire [3:0] pgm_user_clk_*. Just connect this to wherever it is needed!
You can use plain, simple Verilog.

Just have a similar dimension array in your test-bench sub-module as ports. Then port-map them.

Thanks for the help ... tell them that I managed to solve my problem, where I only send the time parameter as follows.

local_g1_test_bench #(.sim_pim1_uclk (2500)) u_local_g1_test_bench ();

module local_g1_test_bench();  
parameter sim_pim1_uclk = 5000;

reg sim_pim1_uclock0 = 1;//IEA Added
reg sim_pim1_uclock1 = 1;//IEA Added  
reg sim_pim1_uclock2 = 1;//IEA Added
reg sim_pim1_uclock3 = 1;//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #sim_pim1_uclk    sim_pim1_uclock0 = ~sim_pim1_uclock0; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #sim_pim1_uclk    sim_pim1_uclock1 = ~sim_pim1_uclock1; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #sim_pim1_uclk    sim_pim1_uclock2 = ~sim_pim1_uclock2; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added
always//IEA Added
   #sim_pim1_uclk    sim_pim1_uclock3 = ~sim_pim1_uclock3; //  6.80 nS period 147.06 MHz NEW//IEA Added 
//assign i_pim1_uclk_p =  {sim_pim1_uclock3, sim_pim1_uclock2, sim_pim1_uclock1, sim_pim1_uclock0};
//assign i_pim1_uclk_n = ~i_pim1_uclk_p;   
wire [3:0] pgm_user_clk_p = {sim_pim1_uclock3, sim_pim1_uclock2, sim_pim1_uclock1, sim_pim1_uclock0};
wire [3:0] pgm_user_clk_n = ~pgm_user_clk_p;

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