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SDF back annotation warning with Synopsys VCS

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Jul 16, 2011
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Hi all,
I am currently having some problems in the annotation of the SDF file on the post-synthesis verilog netlist using VCS by Synopsys. Despite of all of those warnings the simulation goes on, but I am not really sure if all the timing are really annotated!

I would like to know from you if I really have to take care of such warnings or not and if it is possible to fix them!

Sorry to have attached so match code next but I think it is really necessary!
Thank you really match for the help!

The warning are of the following type (they are many!):

Warning-[SDFCOM_INF] IOPATH not found
top_cpa_dyn52@0.02ns.sdf, 1410
module: ENSVTX4, "instance: tb_top_cpa_dyn52b.UUT.U520"
SDF Warning: IOPATH from A to Z is not found.

Where the SDF 1410th line is (the cell is a two input exclusive nor):

(COND !B (IOPATH A Z (0.058:0.058:0.058) (0.060:0.060:0.060)))
(COND B (IOPATH A Z (0.042:0.042:0.042) (0.058:0.059:0.059)))
(IOPATH (posedge A) Z (0.058:0.058:0.058) (0.062:0.062:0.062)) // 1410th of SDF file
(IOPATH (negedge A) Z (0.058:0.058:0.058) (0.061:0.062:0.062))
(COND !A (IOPATH B Z (0.045:0.047:0.047) (0.050:0.052:0.052)))
(COND A (IOPATH B Z (0.036:0.038:0.038) (0.049:0.051:0.051)))
(IOPATH (posedge B) Z (0.049:0.051:0.051) (0.053:0.055:0.055))
(IOPATH (negedge B) Z (0.045:0.047:0.047) (0.049:0.051:0.051))


While the verilog library of the cell is characterized by:

`ifdef verifault
`ifdef functional
`timescale 1ns / 1ns
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define ENSVTX4_B_F_Z_F 0.1
`define ENSVTX4_B_R_Z_R 0.1
`define ENSVTX4_B_F_Z_R 0.1
`define ENSVTX4_B_R_Z_F 0.1
`define ENSVTX4_A_F_Z_F 0.1
`define ENSVTX4_A_R_Z_R 0.1
`define ENSVTX4_A_F_Z_R 0.1
`define ENSVTX4_A_R_Z_F 0.1
module ENSVTX4 (Z, A, B);
output Z;
input A;
input B;
xnor #1 u0 (Z, A, B);
`ifdef functional

if (A) (B +=> Z) = (`ENSVTX4_B_R_Z_R,`ENSVTX4_B_F_Z_F); // there are only 4 if statement!
if (!A) (B -=> Z) = (`ENSVTX4_B_F_Z_R,`ENSVTX4_B_R_Z_F);
if (B) (A +=> Z) = (`ENSVTX4_A_R_Z_R,`ENSVTX4_A_F_Z_F);
if (!B) (A -=> Z) = (`ENSVTX4_A_F_Z_R,`ENSVTX4_A_R_Z_F);


endmodule // ENSVTX4
`ifdef verifault
// END


Some other warning are genearated for the memory cells as well:

Warning-[SDFCOM_CFTC] Cannot find timing check
RNSFIR-post_syn.sdf, 1466382
module: FD2QSVTX2, "instance: E.UUT.\fir_19/rey_051/z_reg[0] "
SDF Warning: Cannot find timing check $hold(posedge CP,posedge CD,...)

The memory cell SDF is as follow:

(INSTANCE fir_19\/rey_051\/z_reg\[0\])
(IOPATH (posedge CP) Q (0.074411:0.074411:0.074411) (0.094720:0.094720:0.094720))
(IOPATH (negedge CD) Q () (0.107344:0.107344:0.107344))
(WIDTH (posedge CP) (0.070000:0.070000:0.070000))
(WIDTH (negedge CP) (0.120000:0.120000:0.120000))
(HOLD (posedge CD) (posedge CP) (-0.000166:-0.000166:-0.000166)) <-- The line 1466382
(RECOVERY (posedge CD) (posedge CP) (0.075275:0.075275:0.075275))
(HOLD (posedge D) (posedge CP) (-0.031501:-0.035651:-0.035651))
(HOLD (negedge D) (posedge CP) (-0.014575:-0.017560:-0.017560))
(SETUP (posedge D) (posedge CP) (0.086892:0.091038:0.091038))
(SETUP (negedge D) (posedge CP) (0.065168:0.068504:0.068504))
(WIDTH (negedge CD) (0.105000:0.105000:0.105000))

The memory cell verilog library is as follow:


`ifdef verifault
`ifdef functional
`timescale 1ns / 1ns
`timescale 1ns / 1ps

`define FD2QSVTX2_CD_F_Q_F 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_CP_R_Q_R 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_CP_R_Q_F 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_HOLD_posedge_posedge 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_HOLD_negedge_posedge 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_SETUP_posedge_posedge 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_SETUP_negedge_posedge 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_CP_PWL 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_CP_PWH 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_CD_PWL 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_CD_CP_REC_posedge_posedge 0.1
`define FD2QSVTX2_CD_CP_REM_posedge_posedge 0.1

module FD2QSVTX2 (Q, D, CP, CD);

output Q;
input D;
input CP;
input CD;

`ifdef functional
reg Notifier;

U_FD_P_RN_NOTI u0 (IQ, D, CP, CD, Notifier);

buf #1 u1 (Q, IQ);

reg Notifier;

U_FD_P_RN_NOTI u0 (IQ, dD, dCP, dCD, Notifier);

buf #1 u1 (Q, IQ);

`ifdef verifault

if(CD) (posedge CP => (Q +: D)) = (`FD2QSVTX2_CP_R_Q_R, `FD2QSVTX2_CP_R_Q_F);
(negedge CD => (Q +: 1'b0)) = (`FD2QSVTX2_CD_F_Q_F,`FD2QSVTX2_CD_F_Q_F);

$setuphold(posedge CP &&&CD, posedge D, `FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_SETUP_posedge_posedge, `FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_HOLD_posedge_posedge, Notifier);
$setuphold(posedge CP &&& CD, negedge D, `FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_SETUP_negedge_posedge, `FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_HOLD_negedge_posedge, Notifier);

$width(negedge CP, `FD2QSVTX2_CP_PWL, 0, Notifier);
$width(posedge CP &&& CD, `FD2QSVTX2_CP_PWH, 0, Notifier);
$width(negedge CD, `FD2QSVTX2_CD_PWL, 0, Notifier);
$recovery(posedge CD, posedge CP &&& D, `FD2QSVTX2_CD_CP_REC_posedge_posedge, Notifier);

$hold(posedge CP &&& D, posedge CD, `FD2QSVTX2_CD_CP_REM_posedge_posedge, Notifier);

(posedge CP => (Q +: D)) = (`FD2QSVTX2_CP_R_Q_R, `FD2QSVTX2_CP_R_Q_F);
(negedge CD => (Q +: 1'b0)) = (`FD2QSVTX2_CD_F_Q_F,`FD2QSVTX2_CD_F_Q_F);

$setuphold(posedge CP , posedge D, `FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_SETUP_posedge_posedge, `FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_HOLD_posedge_posedge, Notifier,,dCD,dCP,dD);
$setuphold(posedge CP , negedge D, `FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_SETUP_negedge_posedge, `FD2QSVTX2_D_CP_HOLD_negedge_posedge, Notifier,,dCD,dCP,dD);

$width(negedge CP, `FD2QSVTX2_CP_PWL, 0, Notifier);
$width(posedge CP &&& CD, `FD2QSVTX2_CP_PWH, 0, Notifier);
$width(negedge CD, `FD2QSVTX2_CD_PWL, 0, Notifier);
$recrem(posedge CD, posedge CP , `FD2QSVTX2_CD_CP_REC_posedge_posedge,`FD2QSVTX2_CD_CP_REM_posedge_posedge, Notifier,,dD,dCD,dCP);


endmodule // FD2QSVTX2
`ifdef verifault

i would suggest that you ignore the warning and see the simulation result by running post synthesis simulation with sdf back annotation.
If you are getting x (unknowns) then start looking at warnings.

give it a shot.

kind regards
Hi tariq768,
I have performed the simulation with the sdf annotation in two different kind:
1) using the sdf file as generated by design compiler which produces many warning in the simulation (with VCS) but the output results is exactly the expected one (no "X").
2) using an sdf file edited by me where I have removed all the line which produced the previous warning from the sdf file generated by design compiler.

the outputs are exactly the same in the two simulations, the saif file generated from them are identical.

I think I can consider those warnings may be ignored, at this point!

Best regards,

Warnings should not be ignored if testcase does not pass

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