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Running and plotting multiple simulations for different s-parameter files in ADS

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Newbie level 3
Sep 9, 2022
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I've got an IF strip I'm modeling in ADS that contains a switched filter bank. I'd like to run multiple simulations (one for each filter state) and plot them on the same plot. I'd actually like to do this for many different things (different amplifier's, etc) in general for comparison, but the filter bank is what I'm looking at today.

I'd presume that the s-parameter component (SnP) in this case needs to point to some sort of table with each of the s-parameter file names, and something then needs to increment the simulations through each of those s-parameter files.

Any idea how to do this or if its even possible?

Yes, that should work fine for your case. If you have questions, you can post them here!
Thanks Volker!!

I'll get back on this on Monday, but I was getting an error like 'mismatched data type' or something hen it tried to read the list file.

Also, when I unzipped the example, I got something that looked like a 7zip file or something - do I need to rename the extension or something?

Last, while it may become clear one I get it working, I didn't understand what the 'nominal' variable and arguments were used for or why they were only incremented 0.5 at a time.

Like I said - I'm still working on it but thank you very much for the article - its a capability I have wanted for a long time and everyone I've ever asked at work just makes multiple copies of the schematic for each s-parameter file.

Also, when I unzipped the example, I got something that looked like a 7zip file or something - do I need to rename the extension or something?

Yes, the zip file contains an ADS project archive (*.7zads). You import this into ADS using File > Unarchive from ADS main menu.

Last, while it may become clear one I get it working, I didn't understand what the 'nominal' variable and arguments were used for or why they were only incremented 0.5 at a time.

Sorry for causing confusion - that is only an example of some OPTIONAL data that goes with each file (here: nominal value of a component that is represented by the S2P data). You can leave that out, then you just iterate over the S2P and there is no other value associated with each S2P.

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