RS-232 or UART to ethernet adapter

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Advanced Member level 6
Jan 5, 2008
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I want to make an RS-232 or UART to ethernet adapter using DIP chips.
The only DIP chip I have found is the ENC28J60, but this outputs SPI not RS232 or UART.

My project **broken link removed** has SPI but it has limited functions for programmatically reading and writing to this bus, so I would really like to use RS-232 or UART.
If there is no other DIP chip, maybe there is an SPI to uart or rs-232 converter chip in DIP?

Thanks for all the help.

Not as easy as it sounds. The ENC28J60 is only the hardware interface (up to the magnetics), it isn't only necessary to configure it through SPI, you need fast software to establish the protocol and data storage. It might be possible to achieve that in the ATMega but I would doubt it could maintain video timing at the same time.


You several times mention both UART and RS232 which makes me think that you are not clear about these terms. 'UART' normally refers to the hardware module used to generate and read the signals being sent and received. This implies the use of the asynchronous serial protocol of a start bit, a number of data bits (normally 8), perhaps a parity bit and between 1 and 2 stop bits.
RS232 is an electrical standard that defines what voltage a '0' has on the line, and what voltage a '1' has on the line. ('0' is typically between +3V and +15V, while a '1' is typically between -3V and -15V - obviously with reference to a common ground between the sending and receiving devices.) The protocol also defines other characteristics but that are not relevant at this point.
What I think you are considering is the voltages that most MCUs use which is either the TTL levels ('0' being 0V, '1' being 5V) or similar voltages for the serial signals. (0V and 3V3 are also common voltage levels).

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