robot without a microcontroller

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Member level 1
Mar 18, 2011
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please help me design a remote controlled robot without a microcontroller.
Can we use any other configeration with the reciever other than microcontroller..for like h-bridge or logic gates!!!


You may like to see **broken link removed**. Most of the BEAM (Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, Mechanics) Robots are simple and runs in small solar panel. kindly explore their site, lot of stuffs are available without microcontrollers!

you can make it with some comparators and some transistors!

goolge it man! its always dere

please show me how to make it with comparators and transistors...i cant find it.sorry

dear sry it not possible because according to the defination of robot by all company in world is that it must be reprogramable to other task when current task is not needed ....and programing power of microcontroller give it this ...means u make robot to do one task only because if there is no microcontroller u have to change hole hardware according to need

Yes its too simple to build an ROBOT without an Micro-controller since its programming free ;-)
simple logic gates and Multiplexers can be used to build an simple 'LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT'

Check out the link below its ONE of MY ROBOT's without an MCU...

line follower without microcontroller.mp4 - YouTube

Santosh Kumar

please show me how to make it with comparators and transistors...i cant find it.sorry

I came upon this interesting example sometime ago, demonstrating a line follower robot without using a MCU or programmable logic:


as bigdogguru said..we can make such simple robots..but a fully functional robot will be very difficult and any changes will require to change the whole schematic

ya your right Mr.Shabazmondal....Making an simple Line Follower Robot might be very easy when you move on to complex ROBOTICS systems no doubt you need an MCU..

Santosh kumar

its easy, you get a double pole, double throw relay. on Switch, motor turns forward, powering wheels.

front of machine has bump sensor switch, on 555 timer, to toggle contacts for 5 secs, this detects a bump, reverses , and continues again.
Assymetric steering up front sorts out reverse+ turn, to avoid the bump again. Continues ad infnitum. makes a great random lawn mower.


Its not possible in my point of view,if you develop a robot without microcontroller. Its cant control properly if its with microcontroller programming skill then you can developed better controlled robot.

Its not possible in my point of view,if you develop a robot without microcontroller. Its cant control properly if its with microcontroller programming skill then you can developed better controlled robot.

the difference is purely perception, all robots are as smart as they are programmed, if we where to program a mcu to recognise a bump, reverse, and continue again, you would class this as a proper robot, but because a system has a relay and discrete components, and completes the same task, does not negate its behaviour as the same as the MCU based "robot". a robot is merely an Autonomous system, with percieved intelligence. The methods to achieve the system are irrelavent, the technology is irrelavent, a MCU is just a huge collection of "switches" after all, you could only need one to make a decision and show psuedo intelligence.

If we where to add several thousand relays , we could make our own computer, just like they did years ago, but we dont, but for the newbies, we dont need to scare them off.

I agree with you, currently working on PIC12f/16f and 18F designs for sonar equipped lawnmower, built on previous prototype relay based machine. That cut the grass perfectly!


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