Robot cardrive on the track

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Advanced Member level 3
Aug 1, 2011
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Robot car drive on the track

Dear All
I need to send my robot car on a track
track width is 4cm ( Can change)
Start Point is A and end point is B ( See picture)
I am using DC Motor ( any suggest)
MCU is PIC 16f877A
please advice me, what kind of sensors I need to use
what kind of peripherals I need to use in PIC 16F877A ( CCP and ADC)
any guide lines

Thanks in advance
Last edited:

Its a simple line following robot... You need IR or proximity sensor to detect the track and align the car in the line of track.. you nee a toy car with DC motors...........

Its a simple line following robot... You need IR or proximity sensor to detect the track and align the car in the line of track.. you nee a toy car with DC motors...........

Dear ckshivaram
Thanks for reply
can I know, how may I control DC motor and more explain about sensor control

It will be easy if you use proximity sensors.. life will be easy for you.. or else you have to make it using IR transmitter and receiver ..... adjust the sensitivity and do all stuffs...

you can control the DC motor using L293D motor driver IC...... you can control both the motors with 1 IC.... search the forum you have lot of threads relating to that.......


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Dear ckshivaram
Thanks for reply
can you please advice me simple block diagram operation of inside pic for my request

Dear ckshivaram
Is it possible to implement using capture and compare mode

Not quite.. its a tedious job as your timers or pwm peripherals will be running...

If you want to control speed then you need PWM, or else you dont need pwn or capture and compare mode....
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    Points: 2
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can I have sample codes from assembly for 16f877a

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