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[SOLVED] RF Trasmitter and Receiver

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Full Member level 4
Full Member level 4
Nov 29, 2010
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Guys I have question regarding this circuit
Four channel RF remote control -
Which device does the work of mixing i.e the mixing of data and RF.Is it Encoder or RF transmitter? Because in the diagram the data output of the encoder in connected to data input of the RF transmitter so there is confusion. Whether the signal is already mixed with RF before entering into transmitter or the signal is mixed with RF in RF transmitter.

Second question is same but for decoder and RF receiver.Whether the RF is removed in RF receiver or it is removed by encoder?

The WZ-X01 and WZ-R01 are the transmitter and receiver respectfully. The HT-12E and HT12D are the encoder and decoder respectfully. The encoder and decoder take the raw data and encode/decode the data to ensure error free transmission which is then sent to and received from the TX/RX. The TX/RX "mixes" and "demixes" the data with the RF signal.

---------- Post added at 02:55 ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 ----------

You could, by the way, do away with both the HT-12E and HT-12D and use a MCU, like a PIC, encode/decode the data via software routine like Manchester Encoding/Decoding and then send/receive the encoded/decoded data directly to the WZ-X01/WZ-R01.

You mean transmitter and receiver (WZ-X01 and WZ-R01) "mixes" and "demixes" the data with the RF signal.

Absolutely, you can send/receive any type of data stream to the WZ-X01/WZ-R01.

However, without encoding/decoding your data, you have little chance of the data arriving at the receiving end without corruption from interference, signal fading, etc.

Hence the use of encoders/decoders, which can also be done via software on MCU with an encoding/decoding algorithm like Manchester.

I would like to invite you as well as any other person interested in SubGHz/RF to check out the new group:

**broken link removed** Embedded Wireless Networks

I've attempted to make this group a resource point with many links to appnotes, tutorial, tips and example projects. You're more than welcome to post your own links to relevant items you come across.

There is a discussion thread with several links to Manchester Encoding/Decoding and its use with RF communications as well as many SubGHz/RF Embedded Networking Links.

Actually, "mixes" and "demixes" are poor terms the WZ-X01/WZ-R01 use ASK/OOK Modulation.
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Thanks for your great help and participation.

No problem,

Thanks for joining the Embedded Wireless Networks Group.

I'll be posting more links to tips, tutorials and projects concering RF networks tomorrow. If you come across any relevant links, feel free to post them as well.

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