RF Design Engineer looking for a job

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Again, I can talk only about US situation. Here engineers use resume and PhD use CV. CV is more detailed description and usually has more pages than resume which should be no more than three pages (all lists like publications, awards, patents and so on must be submitted as separate addendum, if they are long). Both forms of the document are created for one purpose: to help you to sell yourself. This means you need to show the most essential information in the beginning in short form. Just two or three sentences, no more, must represent you. Then you need to include your major knowledge and skills in clear and concise form. Then you put your working experience for resume and this is the place for detailed list of what you did and what you achieved. Here it is very desirable to use actual numbers. For example if you designed PLL you need to include real parameters e.g.: "Designed fractional N synthesizer with -145dBc per Hertz phase noise". Having real number is good support for your resume and increase your chances. But be prepare to explain every small letter in your resume. Hiring manager need to see hundreds of resumes and he or she does not have a lot of time. He will check the first a few lines in resume and if he found something what he need he probably will read more. In this case he need to find all essential information in the next half of the page. This are the conditions for success. All other resumes ends in the trash can.

great notes RF-OM , it is really helpfull to know how are things going


Thank you knouly,

I just share my opinion and I think that I told right things. But it is wise to find web site(s) on the Internet that dedicated to the resume writing and check it again. First of all it is always good to have the second opinion. Beside this you definitely will find a lot of helpful information. Probably it is necessary to do for any of countries where you are going to apply for a job.

I checked yesterday information about limited number of visas with immigration office. They confirmed that this number is limited and if there will be more applicants then visas (which is the situation for every year) there will be a kind of lottery. But it does not mean that you must give up. Here is more foreign engineers than American professionals and all of them got their visas.

Again, this is just the answers to your questions. I am not agitate nobody to immigrate, this is very personal.

So useful info! So kind RF-0M !

Our company needs an RF engineer with at least one year experience. However let me point it out that we are Lahore(Pakistan) based.

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