Req - Binary to ASCII

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Member level 2
Jul 22, 2002
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Need your help.
Does any one have a ready C routine to convert Binary > ASCII or
Binary > Decimal > Ascii ? I need to display an A to D result on a terminal. Thanks.

You can try a free product called GMT
( If you are on windows there is a pre-compiled version, otherwise you have to compile it yourself. Whithin it there
is a module called gmtconvert that does what you want.

See source code for printf/sprintf.

Bye Gomez

You can follow these steps, very simple and effective:

1- Convert the binary no. to BCD format, this leads to a groups of 4 bits in each group, each group value is from 0 to 9.

2- For every group, ADD 30 (decimal) to the 4bits value ==> ASCII of the digit. (e.g. A value of '1' will be '31' which is the ASCII of digit '1').

3- Repeat step 2 for every group, ==> ASCII values for digits to be generated and ready to be sent to LCD.

Hope this helps.

Can't find the gmtconvert zip file. Where is it exactly? Has anyone implemented it in C?


Below is the one of the possible methods :
void num2str
INT16U tNumber, // Number to be converted
INT8U *pString // Pointer to sstring where converted number will be stored
INT8S tpos;

while(*pString != 0) // Goto end of string
// Find number of bytes to encode number
if (tNumber < 10) tpos = 0; // 1 digit
else if(tNumber < 100) tpos = 1; // 2 digits
else if(tNumber < 1000) tpos = 2; // 3 digits
else if(tNumber < 10000) tpos = 3; // 4 digits
else tpos = 4; // 5 digits

*(pString + tpos + 1) = 0; // Put ending string delimiter

for(;tpos >= 0 ; tpos--) // Convert number to string in loop
*(pString + tpos) = tNumber%10 + 0x30; // Calculate ascii digit and store it in string
tNumber = tNumber/10; // Divide the number by 10

It is for hex to BCD ASCII conversion . But it was right to use printf or sprintf as those are part of standard library , if you do not have some restrictions applying to theses functions (part of C standard ibrary ).
The hex to Hex ASCII is much more easy .

use sprinf ansi c function.

char *s;
unsigned int NumberToConvert;


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