Newbie level 1

acer lcd monitor repair
When the Monitor is first powerd up the image is great, but after about 15min or so horizontal lines start to scroll up the screen.
If I power off the monitor for about 30 sec of more they go away, but will come back in minutes.
Could it be over heating? or is it something easy to fix??
I have tried it on 3 different computers with the same result so it is the monitor.
Thanks in advance
When the Monitor is first powerd up the image is great, but after about 15min or so horizontal lines start to scroll up the screen.
If I power off the monitor for about 30 sec of more they go away, but will come back in minutes.
Could it be over heating? or is it something easy to fix??
I have tried it on 3 different computers with the same result so it is the monitor.
Thanks in advance