reflectarray interested

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hello all. what is this error in Hfss?? ''Unexpected error encountered in the meshing process''. how can i solve it??

hello every body.i try to simulate cp reflectarray with Lp feed. how can i mesured bandwith and gain of my antenna from Hfss? when i mesured gain theta from Hfss my data is variable for each simulation. why is that happen???

hello abdoeng, i simulated T shaped patch for cp reflectarray antenna.can you tell me how much lenght of the arms to generate 90 deg phase diffrence between two modes??? have any mathematical relation between that??? please help me i need that
Thanks alot

dear friend
it so easy
that is idea,i use it in crossed DRA
try to simulate only one stub and calculate phase versus stub length(as u simulate linearly polarized reflectarray) after getting phase,try to add 90 for RHCP or -90 for LHCP,how?
the 90 degree means said ur cell have 120 degree which equivalent to first stub length 3 mm and from the phase figure,the 90+120 =210 which equivalent to second stub length=5mm ,i hope u understand the idea

I recommend a Moment Method-based software, like **broken link removed**.

Hi, I am also working on reflectarray antenna. I am using HFSS to get the phase curve of unit cell. But My results are very in-accurate as compared to that given in reserach Papers. Can any body tell me where i am wrong? Thanks in advance.

Which paper are you talking about kamaranrja ?!

I randomly selected some papers and now I figured out the problem

what should we see for the phase of reflection cofficient? ang_deg or cang_deg? and what is the difference?thanks

what should we see for the phase of reflection cofficient? ang_deg or cang_deg? and what is the difference?thanks

I am also confused at this point. Someone please help me out. Thanks in advance

I am encountering the same error. I have 8 patch antennas mounted on the cylindrical surface. I am feeding them using stripline structure and there are 3 substrate layers. two for the striplines and third , on which the antennas are wrapped around. I am seeing this error. Unexpected error encountered in the meshing process''. How can I solve it ?

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