Recommend me a PCB power relay

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Newbie level 6
Feb 15, 2007
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I was trying to find a PCB Power Relay to capable of shutting off a a 240VAC load @ upto 30A preferably TTL controllable but I do not understand all of the datasheet values when I go looking. Could anyone recommend a part or tell me what values mean what on a basic relay data sheet.

Here was one I was considering, but again I am unsure what I am looking at:

**broken link removed** (Part # 255-1639-ND)


Re: Power Relays


Is this not the right forum or does no one actually know?

Re: Power Relays

You will not find a relay rated for ≈30A and 240Vac and operated from TTL levels ..
Instead, go for Solid State Relay and you will never regret this choice ..
These relays have no moving parts, are switched at zero-crossing and are easily driven from less then 5Vdc ..
Take a look at these examples (25A/280Vac):
**broken link removed**



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Re: Power Relays

Thank you, I had looked at SSR for a bit and they have much nicer datasheets I will admit, but I do not know if a Solid state circuit would beable to handle an inductive load switching on and off rapidly. Will this not cause a large voltage spike and blow the part?

And as for the power relays if TTL is not possible just ignore that spec, I was just being hopeful as it would make control very easy I could aways get a driver of some kind to switch an mechanical relay the required more power to switch.

Thanks and any more input is most welcome.

Re: Power Relays

but I do not know if a Solid state circuit would beable to handle an inductive load switching on and off rapidly. Will this not cause a large voltage spike and blow the part?

Google for "zero-crossing" ..
This should give you some explanations on why solid-state devices are different from ordinary relays ..



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Re: Power Relays

I know that SSR's have zero crossing but if the current is out of phase from the voltage could it cause complications, not to mention there is a 15 v window on most and that is enough to cause a decent spike. Then again I have no practical experience with relays and therefore may have un-founded fears.

//edit for spelling errors

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