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Real time serial data acquisition

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Member level 4
Nov 11, 2012
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I wish to take the samples from pic16f877a,4Mhz HS( if it is given a sine wave input) and plot the same.I am giving 230vp sine wave 50hz as input and transformed it into 5v range and level shifted it into positive voltages.

This is my code

                            // Loop variable

float val,val1;//Declare the adcvalue stored variables
char uart_rd[50],uart_rd1[50];

void rmsv();
void adc_uart();//adc read and uart write
void interrupt(){
  if (PIR1.ADIF) {
    PIR1.ADIF=0; // clear AD interrupt flag

        val= (ADRESH << 8) | ADRESL; // read dadta from channel 0



         Delay_Cyc(3); //wait acquisition time
    ADCON0.F2=1; //start conversion again
void main()
    TRISA=0XFF;//porta as input
ADCON1 = 0x82; // AN0->AN4 selected as analog input
  ADCON0 = 0b11000001; // Configue analog mode
  INTCON.GIE = 1; //Enable global interrupt
  INTCON.PEIE = 1; //Enable peripheral interrupt
  PIE1.ADIE = 1; //Enable ADC interrupt
  Delay_us(20); //wait for acquisition time
  ADCON0.F2 = 1; //start conversion
    // ADCON1=0X81;
     UART1_Init(9600);               // Initialize UART module at 9600 bps



I have checked the values in hyperterminal and see that the controller not even sample the peak voltage.I wish to have the samples correctly so that I can able to plot the waveform correctly.

If I removed the interrupt and put the adc code inside the while loop,it gives the same result:-(
I would think that if the UART is running at 9600 baud (approx 960 characters/sec maximum - start bit, 8 data bits and one stop bit) you are not transmitting sufficient samples/sec to get meaningful results.

I would suggest increasing the baud rate (e.g. to 115200) and rather than transmitting the samples as text transmit binary data, i.e. if you are sampling using an 8 bit ADC each character transmitted would be one sample. Even at 9600baud you would get approx 1000samples/sec which would be 20 samples/cycle

I would think that if the UART is running at 9600 baud (approx 960 characters/sec maximum - start bit, 8 data bits and one stop bit) you are not transmitting sufficient samples/sec to get meaningful results.

I would suggest increasing the baud rate (e.g. to 115200) and rather than transmitting the samples as text transmit binary data, i.e. if you are sampling using an 8 bit ADC each character transmitted would be one sample. Even at 9600baud you would get approx 1000samples/sec which would be 20 samples/cycle

If I used baud rate 115200,the uart values are not displayed properly,can you advise me how to modify my code

possibly at 115200baud hyperterminal cannot keep up with rate of characters arriving and is loosing data

write a program to receive the data and save into a file (not displaying on screen) for a few seconds - does it make sense then?

possibly at 115200baud hyperterminal cannot keep up with rate of characters arriving and is loosing data

write a program to receive the data and save into a file (not displaying on screen) for a few seconds - does it make sense then?

I need to have all the samples from the signal ,then only I can process the information.Actually I want to store the data into a file and then processed it and find the results.

I need to have all the samples from the signal ,then only I can process the information.Actually I want to store the data into a file and then processed it and find the results.
if you use visual studio it has a SerialPort component that will talk to a COM: port and a Chart component you can use to plot graphs
you could receive the data save it to a file and then plot from the file - if you save it in a suitable form you could plot graphs by reading it into MS Excel or Openoffice Calc

There may be lot of timings consideration involved as you must have seen uptil now sampling rate, uart timings etc. Its better to dump the data into the file and then read it. Even MATLAB can read com port easily and ten do whatever you have to do with the data. there are many tools like docklight that allows datalogging facilty. dump text file and then read using matlab.
Or you may try to dump the data in ram first as you sample it and then get it out using UART this will help you to isolate sampling rate and UART timings consideration

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