Reading temperature from LM35 issue

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Nov 27, 2014
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Hi All,

I have interfaced an LM35 with PIC18F2550 and with SIM900 device. I send the this SMS code to set the temperature threshold to 30 degrees celcuis(20!4#30) and i store this on the eeprom. To read the threshold is send this SMS (20!4#rt) I then read the temperature by sending this code to the SIM900 (20!4#gt).

All the above work perfectly.

I have an issue when i compare the threshold value to the current temperature. Here is my requirement:

- when the current temperature reading is below the threshold stored on eeprom, no sms must be sent. I have no issue here

- when the temperature reading is above the threshold, it must sent me SMS informing user msg7[] = "Temperature is high"; - THIS IS NOT HAPPENING, PLEASE HELP ME SEE WHERE IM GOING WRONG.

#define ON   1
#define OFF  0

#define LOW  0
#define HIGH 1

#define OPEN 1
#define CLOSE 0

// GSM3 click module connections, declaring pins for PWRKEY, STAT and GSM_RST
sbit PWRKEY  at LATB5_bit;
sbit STAT    at RB3_bit;
sbit GSM_RST at LATB4_bit;

sbit PWRKEY_Direction  at TRISB5_bit;
sbit STAT_Direction    at TRISB3_bit;
sbit GSM_RST_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
// end of GSM3 click module connections

//Outputs pins for ALARM, LIGHT, GATE and LED's
sbit LIGHT at LATB7_bit;
sbit ALARM at LATC2_bit;
sbit GATE  at LATB6_bit;

sbit NV_LED at LATC0_bit;
sbit UV_LED at LATC1_bit;
sbit OV_LED at LATB2_bit;


//Flags, setting the output flags to record status
char myFlags = 0;

sbit GateStatus at myFlags.B0;
sbit MainsStatus at myFlags.B1;
sbit AlarmStatus at myFlags.B2;
sbit LightStatus at myFlags.B3;
sbit doOnce at myFlags.B4;
sbit doOnce2 at myFlags.B5;
sbit turnOFFLights at myFlags.B6;

//Temperature Sensor
double temperature = 0.0, prevTemperature = 0.0;				// A double is a type of floating-point number. Could use float but double is accurate
unsigned int temp = 0, prevTemp = 0;
unsigned char threshold = 80;
unsigned int delayCounter = 0;

int addr = 0;
int val = 0;

char uartBuffer[270]; 										// setting the uartbuffer size
char msg[50];								
char buff[50];
char buff2[50];
char sms[20];
char smsIndex[4];
char value[4];
char strTemp[23];
unsigned int index = 0;
char attempt = 0;

unsigned char event = 15, sendSms = 0;

char port = 0;

unsigned int mainsVoltage = 0, prevMainsVoltage = 0;

//GSM Constant Strings
const char cmd1[]  = "AT\r";
const char cmd2[]  = "ATE0\r";
const char cmd3[]  = "ATE1\r";
const char cmd4[]  = "AT+IPR=9600\r";
const char cmd5[]  = "AT+CMGF=1\r";
const char cmd6[]  = "AT+CPMS=\"SM\",\"SM\",\"SM\"\r";
const char cmd7[]  = "AT+CNMI=2,1\r";
const char cmd8[]  = "AT+CMGR=";
const char cmd9[]  = "AT+CMGS=\"+xxxxx\"\r";
const char cmd10[] = "AT+CMGD=1,4\r";

const char resp1[] = "\r\nOK\r\n";
const char resp2[] = "ERROR";
const char resp3[] = "+CMTI: \"SM\",";
const char resp4[] = "> ";
const char resp5[] = "RING";
const char resp6[] = "NO CARRIER";
const char resp7[] = "NO ANSWER";
const char resp8[] = "+CFUN: 1";
const char resp9[] = "+CPIN: READY";

const char secretCode[] = "20!4";
const char secretCode0[]  = "20!4#l1";  //to turn lights ON
const char secretCode1[]  = "20!4#l0";  //to turn lights OFF
const char secretCode2[]  = "20!4#ls";  //to get STATUS of lights
const char secretCode3[]  = "20!4#gt";  //to get temperature reading
const char secretCode4[]  = "20!4#da";  //to de-activate the alarm
const char secretCode5[]  = "20!4#aa";  //to activate the alarm
const char secretCode6[]  = "20!4#as";  //to get the STATUS of the alarm
const char secretCode7[]  = "20!4#cg";  //to close the electric gate
const char secretCode8[]  = "20!4#og";  //to open the electric gate
const char secretCode9[]  = "20!4#gs";  //to get the STATUS of the electric gate to see if its OPEN/CLOSED
const char secretCode10[] = "20!4#ps";  //to get the STATUS of the power supply if its interrupted or not
const char secretCode11[] = "20!4#rt";  //to get temperature threshold value

const char msg1[]  = "Light is ON";
const char msg2[]  = "Light is OFF";
const char msg3[]  = "Gate is open";
const char msg4[]  = "Gate is closed";
const char msg5[]  = "Alarm is ON";
const char msg6[]  = "Alarm is OFF";
const char msg7[]  = "Temperature is high";
const char msg8[]  = "Power supply is OK";
const char msg9[]  = "Power supply not OK";
const char msg10[] = "Threshold is set to ";
const char msg11[] = " degree C";
const char msg12[] = "Temperature is ";
const char msg13[] = "Cannot control Gate. Voltage is not Ok";
const char msg14[] = "You have entered incorrect code";

//Function Prototypes
char *CopyConst2Ram(char *dest, const char *src);  			// copy const to ram string

void DelayXSec(unsigned long int sec);
void wait();

//Function Prototypes
char *CopyConst2Ram(char *dest, const char *src);
void GSM_RESET();
void Extract_SMS(char *s1, char *s2);
void Get_SMS_Index(char *s1, char *s2);
void Get_GSM_Time(char *s1, char *s2);
void Get_Code(char *s1, char *s2);
void GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(char *s1, char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4, unsigned int *idx, char *attempt, char clr);
void GSM_Get_SMS(char *s1, char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4, char *s5, unsigned int *idx, char *attempt, char *s6, char clr);
void Send_SMS(char *s1, char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4, const char *s5, const char *s6, const char *s7, char *s8, unsigned int *idx, char *attempt, char clr);

//Prescaler 1:8; TMR1 Preload = 15536; Actual Interrupt Time : 200 ms

//Place/Copy this part in declaration section
void InitTimer1(){
    T1CON = 0x31;				// 1:8 prescale and running
    TMR1IF_bit = 0;
    TMR1H = 0x3C;
    TMR1L = 0xB0;
    TMR1IE_bit = 1;
    INTCON = 0xC0;

//Interrupt routines

void interrupt() {

     if(INT0IF_bit) {
           INT0IF_bit = 0;
           event = 7;
           sendSms = 1;
     if(RCIF_bit) {
            if(OERR_bit) {               //If overflow error 
                  OERR_bit = 0;                //Clear overflow error bit
                  CREN_bit = 0;                //Disable Continuous Receive Enable bit
                  CREN_bit = 1;                //Enable Continuous  Receive Enable bit
            uartBuffer[index++] = UART1_Read();     //Read contents of RCREG into uart buffer and increment buffer index
            uartBuffer[index] = '\0';
            RCIF_bit = 0;                           //Clear UART receive interrupt flag
     if(TMR1IF_bit) {
        TMR1IF_bit = 0;
        TMR1H = 0x3C;
        TMR1L = 0xB0;
        //Enter your code here
        if(++delayCounter == 1500) {
              event = 3;
              delayCounter = 0;
              sendSms = 1;
              TMR1ON_bit = 0;

char *CopyConst2Ram(char *dest, const char *src){
    char *d ;
    asm clrwdt										// Assembly command to reset WDT
    d = dest;
    for(;*dest++ = *src++;)asm clrwdt;

    return d;

void DelayXSec(unsigned long int sec) {
     while(sec != 0) {
          asm clrwdt

void GSM_RESET() {
     GSM_RST = 1;
     asm clrwdt
     GSM_RST = 0;
     asm clrwdt

void Extract_SMS(char *s1, char *s2) {
      unsigned int i = 0;
      asm clrwdt
      while(*s1) {                //While character in string is not a null character then do the loop
          if(*s1 == '\n')             //If character is equal to '\n' increment i
          asm clrwdt                  //increment char pointer once in each loop so that it points to next character in string
                                      //if i equals to 2 that is if 2 x '\n' detected then exit loop
          if(i == 2)break;
      asm clrwdt
      while((*s1) && (*s1 != '\r')) {     //If current character is true and it is not equal to '\r' then do the loop
              *s2++ = *s1++;                  //assign string1 to string 2
              asm clrwdt

      *s2 = '\0';                         //Terminate the string2 with null character
      asm clrwdt

void Get_SMS_Index(char *s1, char *s2) {

      while(*s1 != 'C') {
             asm clrwdt
      while(*s1 != 'M') {
             asm clrwdt
      while(*s1 != 'T') {
             asm clrwdt
      while(*s1 != 'I') {
             asm clrwdt
      while(*s1 != ',') {
             asm clrwdt
      while(*s1 != '\r') {
          *s2++ = *s1++;
          asm clrwdt

      *s2 = '\0';
      asm clrwdt

void Get_GSM_Time(char *s1, char *s2) {
      while(*s1 != ',') {
             asm clrwdt
      while(*s1 != '+') {
            *s2++ = *s1++;
            asm clrwdt
      *s2 = '\0';
      asm clrwdt

void Get_Value(char *s1, char *s2) {
     while(*s1 != '#') {
            asm clrwdt
     *s2++ = *s1++;
     *s2++ = *s1;
     *s2 = '\0';
     asm clrwdt

void GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(char *s1, char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4, unsigned int *idx, char *attempt, char clr) {
      asm clrwdt
      while(strstr(s1, CopyConst2Ram(s2, s3)) == 0) {
              UART1_Write_Text(CopyConst2Ram(s2, s4));
              asm clrwdt
              asm clrwdt
              if((*attempt)++ == 3) {
                  asm clrwdt
                  memset(uartBuffer, '\0', sizeof(uartBuffer));
                  (*attempt) = 0;
                  (*idx) = 0;

      if(clr)memset(uartBuffer, '\0', sizeof(uartBuffer));
      asm clrwdt
      (*attempt) = 0;
      (*idx) = 0;

void GSM_Get_SMS(char *s1, char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4, char *s5, unsigned int *idx, char *attempt, char *s6, char clr) {
      asm clrwdt
      while(strstr(s1, CopyConst2Ram(s2, s3)) == 0) {
              CopyConst2Ram(s2, s4);
              asm clrwdt
              strcat(s2, s5);
              strcat(s2, "\r");
              asm clrwdt
              asm clrwdt
              if((*attempt)++ == 3) {
                  GSM_RESET() ;
                  asm clrwdt
                  (*attempt) = 0;
                  (*idx) = 0;
                  memset(uartBuffer, '\0', sizeof(uartBuffer));

      (*idx) = 0;

      Extract_SMS(s1, s6);
      asm clrwdt

      if(clr)memset(uartBuffer, '\0', sizeof(uartBuffer));
      asm clrwdt

void Send_SMS(char *s1, char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4, const char *s5, const char *s6, const char *s7, char *s8, unsigned int *idx, char *attempt, char clr) {

    while(strstr(s1, CopyConst2Ram(s2, s3)) == 0) {
       asm clrwdt
       GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(s1, s2, s3, s5, idx, attempt, 1);
       GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(s1, s2, s3, s6, idx, attempt, 1);
       GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(s1, s2, s4, s7, idx, attempt, 1);
       asm clrwdt
       asm clrwdt

    memset(uartBuffer, '\0', sizeof(uartBuffer));
    (*idx) = 0;
    asm clrwdt

// pause
void wait() {
  Delay_ms(3000);          // 3 seconds delay

void main() {

    CMCON = 0x07;
    ADCON1 = 0x0D;
    TRISA = 0xC3;
    TRISB = 0x09;
    TRISC = 0xC0;
    asm clrwdt
    PORTA = 0x00; 		// initializing PORTA
    PORTB = 0x00;
    PORTC = 0x00;
    asm clrwdt
    LATA = 0x00;
    LATB = 0x00;
    LATC = 0x00;
    asm clrwdt
    INTEDG0_bit = 1;
    INT0IE_bit = 1;
    asm clrwdt

    GIE_bit = 0;     
    threshold = EEPROM_Read(0x01);        //Read threshold value from eeprom and store it in threshold variable
    Delay_ms(50);                         //Delay between eeprom read/write
    event = EEPROM_Read(0x02);            //Read event value from eeprom and store it in event variable
    Delay_ms(50);                         //Delay between eeprom read/write

    asm clrwdt                            
    RCIE_bit = 1;                         //Enable UART receive Interrupt
    PEIE_bit = 1;                         //Enable Peripheral Interrupts
    GIE_bit = 1;                          //Enable Global Interrupts
    asm clrwdt
    PWM1_Init(2500);                      //Configure PWM frequency to 2500 Hz
    PWM1_Set_Duty(0);                     //Set PWM duty to 0
    asm clrwdt
    asm clrwdt
                                          //Clear INT0 interrupt flag
    INT0IF_bit = 0;
    GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd1, &index, &attempt, 1);   //Send AT Command
    GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd4, &index, &attempt, 1);   //Send AT+IPR=9600 Command
                                                                              //and set SIM900 baudrate to 9600 bps
    GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd5, &index, &attempt, 1);   //Send AT+CMGF-1 Command
    GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd6, &index, &attempt, 1);   //Send AT+CPMS Command
    GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd7, &index, &attempt, 1);   //Send AT+CNMI Command
                                                                              //and Enable New SMS received notification
    GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd10, &index, &attempt, 1);  //Send AT+CMGD Command
    asm clrwdt                                                                //and delete all SMS in SIM Card
    //threshold = 45;
    while(1) {

              mainsVoltage = ADC_Read(1) * 229.0 / 1024.0;                    //Read main Voltage
              //5V dc adc input is equal to 250.0 V AC
              Delay_ms(20);  //Delay between adc acqusition                                                                //If previous voltage is not equal to current mains voltage
              if(prevMainsVoltage != mainsVoltage) {                          //then do the if condition
                      if((mainsVoltage >= 180.0) && (mainsVoltage <= 240.0)) {    //If mains voltage is between 180 V and 240V then 
                                 NV_LED = 1;                                      //Turn ON Normal Voltage LED
                                 UV_LED = 0;                                      //Turn OFF Under Voltage LED
                                 OV_LED = 0;                                      //Turn OFF Over Voltage LED
                                 MainsStatus = 0;                                 //Clear MainsStatus flag
                      else if(mainsVoltage < 180.0) {                             //If mains voltage is less than 180 V
                                 UV_LED = 1;                                      //Turn ON Under Voltage LED
                                 NV_LED = 0;                                      //Turn OFF Normal Voltage LED
                                 OV_LED = 0;                                      //Turn OFF Over Voltage lED
                                 MainsStatus = 1;                                 //Set MainsStatus flag to indicate abnormal mains voltage
                      else if(mainsVoltage > 240.0) {                             //If mains voltage is greater than 240 V
                                 OV_LED = 1;                                      //Turn ON Over Voltage LED
                                 NV_LED = 0;                                      //Turn OFF Normal Voltage LED
                                 UV_LED = 0;                                      //Turn OFF Under Voltage lED
                                 MainsStatus = 1;                                 //Set MainsStatus flag to indicate abnormal mains voltage
                      prevMainsVoltage = mainsVoltage;        
              asm clrwdt
              temperature = temp = ADC_Read(0);      //Read temperatture value into unsigned int and float variables
              Delay_ms(20);                          //Delay between ADC acqusition
              temperature /= 2.046;                  //Convert adc value (float value) to temperature
              temp /= 2;                             //Convert unsignet int temperature value to approximate value of temperature

              if(prevTemp != temp) {                 //If previous value of temperature is not equal to current temperature then do the if condition

                 if(temperature > threshold) {       //If temperature is greater than threshold value then
                        event = 1;                        //Set event to 1
                                              //Send sendSms flag to 1 so that it is called once
                 else if(temperature <= threshold) {      //If temperature is less than threshold then set event value to 0
                        event = 0;

                 prevTemp = temp;                         //Assign current temperature value to previous temperature variable

              if(temperature > threshold){
                     if(doOnce2 == 0) {
                           event = 1; sendSms = 1; doOnce = 0;
                           doOnce2 = 1;
              else if (temperature <= threshold)doOnce2 = 0;

              asm clrwdt

             if(strstr(uartBuffer, CopyConst2Ram(buff, resp3))) {     //If response 3 (new SMS received notification) is received then do the if condition

                       Delay_ms(2000);                                //Wait till SMS index is received
                       Get_SMS_Index(uartBuffer, smsIndex);           //Extract the SMS index from AT+CMTI: SM,x response
                                                                      //x is the SMS index
                       asm clrwdt
                       GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd1, &index, &attempt, 1);  //Send AT Command
                       GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd5, &index, &attempt, 1);  //Send AT+CMGF=1 Command
                       //Read the SMS by issuing AT+CMGR=x Command, x is the SMS index obtained previously                                                           
                       GSM_Get_SMS(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd8, smsIndex, &index, &attempt, sms, 1);
                       //Get the device Code which is the actual SMS
                       //After the below function is executed string variable sms will contain the actual SMS
                       Get_Value(sms, value);
                       asm clrwdt
                       if(strstr(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode)) != 0) {         //If string sms contains the secret code header (20!4) then do the if condition
                             asm clrwdt
                             if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode0)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode0
                                           event = 2;                                       //then set event value to 2
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode1)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode1
                                           event = 3;                                          //then set event value to 3
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode2)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode2
                                           event = 4;                                          //then set event value to 4
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode3)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode3
                                           event = 5;                                          //then set event value to 5
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode4)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode4
                                           event = 6;                                          //then set event value to 6
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode5)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode5
                                           event = 7;                                          //then set event value to 7
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode6)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode6
                                           event = 8;                                          //then set event value to 8
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode7)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode7
                                           event = 9;                                          //then set event value to 9
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode8)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode8
                                           event = 10;                                         //then set event value to 10
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode9)) == 0) {  //If string sms contains secretcode9
                                           event = 11;                                         //then set event value to 11
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode10)) == 0) { //If string sms contains secretcode10
                                           event = 12;                                         //then set event value to 12
                             //If value contains 2 or 3 digits numerical value (string format) then set event to 13
                             //value contains threshold value that is set using SMS
                             //If value is "48" then threshold variable contains integer value 48 and this
                             //will be the threshold value for temperature
                             else if(((value[0] >= '0') && (value[0] <= '9')) && ((value[1] >= '0') && (value[1] <= '9'))) {
                                           event = 13;
                             else if(((value[0] >= '0') && (value[0] <= '9')) && ((value[1] >= '0') && (value[1] <= '9')) && ((value[2] >= '0') && (value[2] <= '9'))) {
                                           event = 13;
                             else if(strcmp(sms, CopyConst2Ram(buff, secretCode11)) == 0) { //If string sms contains secretcode11
                                           event = 14;                                          //then set event value to 14
                             else {
                                 event = 15;
                                 sendSms = 1;                       //Set sendSms flag
                             asm clrwdt
                             EEPROM_Write(0x02, event);         //Write event value to eeprom address 0x02
                             Delay_ms(20);                      //A delay so that next eeprom read/write occurs after 20 ms
                             asm clrwdt
                             memset(sms, '\0', sizeof(sms));    //Clear sms[] variable
                             asm clrwdt
                             sendSms = 1;                       //Set sendSms flag
                       else {
                           event = 15;
                           sendSms = 1;                       //Set sendSms flag

             asm clrwdt
             if(sendSms) {
                   asm clrwdt
                   //Messages are brought to RAM to form SMS for sending SMS
                   switch(event) {
                          case 0:                             //If event is 0
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 1:                             //If event is 1
                                asm clrwdt
                                CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg7);     //Bring msg7[] to RAM
                          case 2:                             //If event is 2
                                asm clrwdt
                                LIGHT = 1;                    //Turn ON relay controlling light
                                LightStatus = 1;
                                                       //Set LightStatus flag
                                CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg1);     //Bring msg1[] to RAM
                          case 3:                             //If event is 3
                                                              //Turn OFF relay controlling light
                                LIGHT = 0;                    //Clear LightStatus flag
                                LightStatus = 0;
                                CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg2);     //Bring msg2[] to RAM
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 4:                             //If event is 4
                                if(LightStatus) {             //If LightStatus is set then
                                     CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg1);   //Bring msg1[] to RAM
                                else if(!LightStatus) {       //If LightStatus is cleared then
                                     CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg2);   //Bring msg2[] to RAM
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 5:                             //If event is 5
                                CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg12);    //Bring msg12[] to RAM
                                FloatToStr(temperature, buff);  //Convert temperature value (float value) 
                                                                //to string and store it in buff[]
                                Ltrim(buff);                    //Remove leading spaces from the string
                                Rtrim(buff);                    //Remove trailing spaces from the string
                                strcat(msg, buff);              //Concatanate string in msg[] and buff[], result in msg[]
                                strcat(msg, " degree C");       //Concatanate string in msg[] and " degree C" string and
                                                                //store resulting string in msg[]
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 6:                               //If event is 6
                                                                //Clear AlaramStatus flag
                                AlarmStatus = 0;                //Stop Buzzer
                                CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg6);       //Bring msg6[] to RAM
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 7:                               //If event is 7
                                AlarmStatus = 1;                //Set AlarmStatus flag
                                PWM1_Set_Duty(127);             //Set PWN Duty to 50% for Buzzer
                                PWM1_Start();                   //Turn ON Buzzer
                                CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg5);       //Bring msg5[] to RAM
                                INT0IF_bit = 0;                 //Clear INT0 interrupt flag
                                                                //INT0 is used to get the motion detection input
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 8:                               //If event is 8
                                if(AlarmStatus) {               //If AlaramStatus flag is set then
                                     CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg5);     //Bring msg5[] to RAM
                                else if(!AlarmStatus) {         //Else if AlarmStatus flag is cleared then
                                     CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg6);     //Bring msg6[] to RAM
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 9:                               //If event is 9
                                if(MainsStatus == 0) {          //If MainsStatus flag is cleared that is
                                                                //If mains voltage is normal then
                                    GATE = 1;                   //Close Gate by giving a pulse to motor
                                    Delay_ms(2000);             //Delay for pulse
                                    GATE = 0;                   //Stop pulse
                                    CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg4);   //Bring msg4[] to RAM
                                    GateStatus = 0;             //Clear GataStatus flag
                                else {
                                    CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg13);
                                    GateStatus = 0;
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 10:                              //If event is 10
                                if(MainsStatus == 0) {          //If MainsStatus flag is cleared that is
                                                                //If mains voltage is normal then
                                    GATE = 1;                   //Open Gate by giving a pulse to motor
                                    Delay_ms(2000);             //Delay for pulse
                                    GATE = 0;                   //Stop pulse
                                    CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg3);   //Bring msg3[] to RAM
                                    GateStatus = 1;             //Set GataStatus flag
                                else {
                                    CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg13);  //Bring msg13[] to RAM
                                    GateStatus = 0;             //Clear GateStatus flag
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 11:                              //If event is 11
                                if(GateStatus) {                //If GataStatus flag is set then
                                      CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg3);   //Bring msg3[] to RAM
                                else if(!GateStatus) {          //If GataStatus flag is cleared then
                                      CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg4);   //Bring msg4[] to RAM
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 12:
                                if(!MainsStatus) {              //If MainsStatus flag is cleared that is if
                                                                //mains voltage is normal then
                                    CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg8);   //Bring msg8[] to RAM
                                else if(MainsStatus) {          //If MainsStatus flag is set that is
                                                                //if mains voltage is abnormal then
                                    CopyConst2Ram(msg, msg9);   //Bring msg9[] to RAM
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 13:
                                //threshold = ((deviceCode[0] - 0x30) * 10) + (deviceCode[1] - 0x30);
                                threshold = atoi(value);   //Convert string value to integer and
                                                                //store it in threshold variable
                                GIE_bit = 0;                    //Temporarily disable Interrupts
                                                                //So that eeprom write is not affected
                                EEPROM_Write(0x01, threshold);  //Write threshold value to address 0x01 of eeprom
                                Delay_ms(50);                   //A delay is used to ensure that 
                                                                //another eeprom read/write is not done before 50 ms
                                GIE_bit = 1;                    //Enable Global Interrupts
                                IntToStr(threshold, msg);       //Convert integer value in threshold variable to string
                                                                //and store it in msg[] variable
                                asm clrwdt
                                Ltrim(msg);                     //Remove leading spaces from the string
                                Rtrim(msg);                     //Remove trailing spaces from the string
                                CopyConst2Ram(buff, msg10);     //Bring msg10[] to buff[] (from ROM to RAM)
                                strcat(buff, msg);              //Concatanate string in buff[] with
                                                                //string in msg[] and store the resulting
                                                                //string in buff[]
                                CopyConst2Ram(buff2, msg11);    //Bring msg11[] (ROM string) to buff2[] (RAM variable)
                                strcat(buff, buff2);            //Concatanate string in buff[] with string in buff2[] and
                                                                //store the resulting string in buff[]
                                strcpy(msg, buff);              //Copy the string in buff[] to msg[]
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 14:
                                GIE_bit = 0;                    //Temporarily disable Interrupts
                                                                //So that eeprom read is not affected
                                threshold = EEPROM_Read(0x01);  //Read value from eeprom and store it
                                                                //in threshold variable
                                Delay_ms(50);                   //Temporarily disable Interrupts
                                                                //So that eeprom write is not affected
                                GIE_bit = 1;                    //Enable Global Interrupts
                                IntToStr(threshold, msg);       //Convert integer value in threshold variable to string
                                                                //and store it in msg[] variable
                                asm clrwdt
                                Ltrim(msg);                     //Remove leading spaces from the string
                                Rtrim(msg);                     //Remove trailing spaces from the string
                                CopyConst2Ram(buff, msg10);     //Bring msg10[] to buff[] (from ROM to RAM)
                                strcat(buff, msg);              //Concatanate string in buff[] with
                                                                //string in msg[] and store the resulting
                                                                //string in buff[]
                                CopyConst2Ram(buff2, msg11);    //Bring msg11[] (ROM string) to buff2[] (RAM variable)
                                strcat(buff, buff2);            //Concatanate string in buff[] with string in buff2[] and
                                                                //store the resulting string in buff[]
                                strcpy(msg, buff);              //Copy the string in buff[] to msg[]
                                asm clrwdt
                          case 15:
                                CopyConst2Ram(buff, msg14);
                   asm clrwdt
                   if((event != 1) && (event != 0))   //If event is not equal to 1 then send SMS
                         Send_SMS(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, resp4, cmd1, cmd5, cmd9, msg, &index, &attempt, 1);
                   else if(event == 1) { //If event equal to 1 then
                        if(!doOnce)             //If doOnce flag is not set then send SMS
                             Send_SMS(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, resp4, cmd1, cmd5, cmd9, msg, &index, &attempt, 1);

                        doOnce = 1;   //Set doOnce flag. This is to make sure that SMS is not sent repeateadly
                   GSM_Send_Const_Cmd(uartBuffer, buff, resp1, cmd10, &index, &attempt, 1);  //Send AT+CMGD Command
                   asm clrwdt
                   event = 0;
                   sendSms = 0; //Clear Send SMS flag
                   asm clrwdt                     


to debug your issue you just could output the status of the "IF" on one port pin (LED?).

With that you can decide if it is a problem of the "IF" and befor or if it is a problem of the code after the "IF".


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