Reading solar charge details via GPRS

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Newbie level 1
Dec 19, 2010
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Hello and thank you for your assistance.

I have finally jumped on the solar bandwagon, trying to minimize my carb-print and so on ... I've installed some solar panels on my roof and few solar flood lights around my house.
Being the geek that I am, I asked my installer for a way to transmit the charge status and few other details so I can see them from a web interface (and earn some bragging points wherever I go ...)

My installer has proposed to install a GPRS controller on each solar unit, which will transmit inputs from few sensors via GPRS. My question is this:

How do I read this information via the GPRS network ? If there is a "call" made as I understand it, how do I "pick up" on a regular internet server ?
I am a software engineer dealing a lot with internet programming so I have the background, but I just can't wrap my head around the hardware part of the story.

Do I need a GPRS "modem" to transfer incoming contact to a local server ? I think it means I need a static IP, no ? What is that piece of hardware/modem ?
Can I use an ISP to provide me with that static IP or "phone number" on the internet and forward the data to a shared hosting environment as an XML or even CSV file ?

Thank you !
Any link or pointer would help, I appreciate your time and effort.

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