Questions regarding UNIX behavior towards a WINDOWS user

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Full Member level 6
Jun 13, 2002
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Consider this topic as a continuance of the h**p://&highlight= Install Network printer under HP-UX 11i

The next in line questions regarding UNIX behavior towards a WINDOWS user:

a. When I have an executable of a program and I double click it a screen asking for some options and some arguments is poping up. What is this and what should I do?

b. When i write a script containing only the path of the application, I save it, I execute chmod +x to make it executable and I try to run it from the terminal ( I have bash). I see the following:
i. If I write down : bash-2.05b$ blabla , I get bash: blabla: command not found
ii. If i write down : bash-2.05b$ ./blabla the program will be executed.

On the other hand, if I write down: bash-2.05b$ mozilla, the browser will open at once.

I understand that ./ tells the bash to search on this directory ( or not?). How can I make it run without ./ ?

I tried the ln command. No luck. Can Someone give me an example?



Actualy it's not only bash but all, unix shells like sh, chh, zsh ....
The reason for having to type ./ bifore not just a script but a binary executable too it is a securaty measure in nix systems, for instance if you type gzip the nix shells wuld ignore your current dir for a script or bin with this name and execute the one from /usr/bin, unlike windows the current dir isn't part of the path enviroment, I do know that SUSE's Yast has an option to change this, I don't exactly jnow what paramaters are changed in /etc but search the net and you'ld probobly find an awnser.

Re: Why....

Thanks for the tip III,

I run a plain unix, not a linux OS, so no changes can be made. I understand what you descibed as security measure, but tell me this:
The installed applications are running from usr/bin ( or something similar). If I move my exe script there will it run the same way? No. This is my question. You say that it is out of the question to run my own scripts as usual programs under unix?



Well if U move your scripts to /usr/bin or better yet /usr/local/bin U could execute them by simply typing their name.
And there is an even better way with out using root privileges there is a file usually located in your home directoy or in /etc that defines the path, create a /home/<you>/bin dir and add it to your path, then u can just copy all of your scripts and bins here and execute them by typing their name in the shell


Hey I read about how to change your path variable:
do vi /etc/profile
and add your new dir to the lines starting PATH=
edit /home/username/.bash_profile
and add (if U want to add the dir /home/username/bin to your path
export PATH



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