Question: Microcontroller compiler and programmer

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Junior Member level 2
Mar 31, 2003
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compiler and programmer

I'm a newbie to microcontroller and I wish to start with PIC and PBP from:

I have the following question ?

It is possible to use different PIC programmer (of the same port) with different compiler (PBC has EPIC, but I want to use other design that easily contruct and cheaper like P16Pro from: hxxp://

Thanks in advance for your time and response.

Usually PIC programmer are very simple. they use some lines of the parallel port to move programming lines on the device.

I saw several pic programmer interfaces that let you configure the parallel port pin you use for a certain function.


also have a look at the zeus multiprogrammer
it can program pics aswell as avrs

Compiler. assembler and programmer are differente things. You can build your code with any compiler (c, basic, java based,etc) or with an assembler (like MPLAB). The result will be an *.hex file. This is the file that you'll use to program the PIC. Use any programmer that support the target PIC. Choose what interface you'd like to use (serial, paralel or usb) then build or buy your programmer. Search the forum and you'll find some links. I personal use ICPROG with JDM programmer (serial interface, no external power supplie) but some times have an error, specialy with OTP PIC's, and EPIC programmer (very stable and simple to use, disavantage, is for paralel port).
For a litle help getting started see
**broken link removed**
Hope it helps you.

Manage to get it

Thanks for all response

I have build a programmer based on JDM at this site:


The pcb was produced using laserjet method with the 'wrapper' of Double A premium paper (the blue white wrapper) as the medium of transfer. It work nicely. Ironing for about 20 seconds, when it cool just dip in water and the paper can be removed very easily.

I used perforated stripboard as the guide to drill all critical hole (zif and jumper). ZIF socket (40 pins)-not sure what brand, only cost me RM 32.00 (USD8.50)

ICProg used as programmer.

Pic Basic Pro is a compiler, nothing more. Pic16PRO is hardware. two seperate things. you need software to run the compiler (i HIGHLY recommend MicroStudio for programming with PBP) and you need seperate software to run your Pic16PRO. you can buy the pic16PRO for $15US, so its not really worth the time/money to build it yourself. the software also costs $20 (but you can find it on the net if you look hard enough).

i think both are reasonably priced and worth the purchase. i would recommend getting a USB pic programmer because the programming time (the time it takes to load your HEX file into your pic chip) is much reduced.

Pic Basic Pro is a great way to get started to learn microcontrollers. PIC chips are FREE ffrom w*
and the language is very easy to pic up and learn. you can get really great online books on how to program in pic language , search aroun - i've posted the link somewhere...


By the way, i want to say something about jdm programmer.Jdm programmer sometimes gives error, it is normal because jdm uses no external power.So the programmer circuit gets all power from serial port.Some serial controller ic's have -D extension and they do NOT give required power when jdm programs.So you get errors I advice you to suppy power to Jdm externally.It works more efficiently.


As compiler, try to use HI-TECH PICC

You may use ICC compilers and assemblers, they have a wide range chips supported.

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