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smps transformer design
for a little climatic "room" to calibrate sensors i maked a smps to power the peltier-element.
for this i take the schematic from a ATX-supply.... and make my circuit.
after some time's a friend ask me for the circuit.... but this must changed from 12V --> 24V ..... the troubles begun!
at first -- i try to use 2 transformer which are on the primary side are parallel connected.
Tis works... but if i need much power... above 280W... the primary transistors are destructed... because the back inducted voltage is to high.
One way are 2 high voltage surpressor diodes to prevent this.... but it will take some time to get this from the distributor.....
today i try to make a modified transfomer.... but as i analyse the original transformer... i was surprised because on the secondary part ar more copper wires than on the primary....
primary 24
secondary 28
please can somebody explain ??
know somone good theoretical papers for transformerdesign?
any help is recommed, thx
for a little climatic "room" to calibrate sensors i maked a smps to power the peltier-element.
for this i take the schematic from a ATX-supply.... and make my circuit.
after some time's a friend ask me for the circuit.... but this must changed from 12V --> 24V ..... the troubles begun!
at first -- i try to use 2 transformer which are on the primary side are parallel connected.
Tis works... but if i need much power... above 280W... the primary transistors are destructed... because the back inducted voltage is to high.
One way are 2 high voltage surpressor diodes to prevent this.... but it will take some time to get this from the distributor.....
today i try to make a modified transfomer.... but as i analyse the original transformer... i was surprised because on the secondary part ar more copper wires than on the primary....
primary 24
secondary 28
please can somebody explain ??
know somone good theoretical papers for transformerdesign?
any help is recommed, thx