question about always block

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Newbie level 4
Apr 6, 2014
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I have couple of questions on always blocks. It will be helpful, if someone here can help me understand this.

Let's say, db_count = debounce_cnt at 10th positive edge.
will "IF" condition in second always block be true at 10th positive edge?

or will "IF" condition in second always block be true at 11th positive edge? but on 11th positive edge db_count will be set to 0 by first always block.

what is order of operation between "IF" and "Case" ?
Though everything is in one always block and non blocking statements are used, "IF" and "Case" are two seperate blocks in themselves. Is the non-blocking behaviour of statements not confined seperately to "IF" and "Case" blocks? i.e. statements inside "IF" are non-blocking but are they non-blocking to statements inside "case" and vice versa?


`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
module debounce (
// what value is stored in pbtn_in and switch_in
input clk, // clock
input [3:0] pbtn_in, // pushbutton inputs
input [7:0] switch_in, // slider switch inputs

output reg [3:0] pbtn_db = 3'h0, // debounced outputs of pushbuttons
output reg [7:0] swtch_db = 8'h0 // debounced outputs of slider switches
parameter simulate = 0;
// these are two ways to simulate.
// simulate is a parameter.
// what is the difference in two waits.

localparam debounce_cnt = simulate ? 22'd5 // debounce clock when simulating
: 22'd4_000_000; // debounce count when running on HW

//shift registers used to debounce switches and buttons
reg [21:0] db_count = 22'h0; //counter for debouncer
// 8 switches.
// 5 buttons.
reg [4:0] shift_pb0 = 5'h0, shift_pb1 = 5'h0, shift_pb2 = 5'h0, shift_pb3 = 5'h0, shift_pb4 = 5'h0;
reg [3:0] shift_swtch0 = 4'h0, shift_swtch1 = 4'h0, shift_swtch2 = 4'h0, shift_swtch3 = 4'h0;
reg [3:0] shift_swtch4 = 4'h0, shift_swtch5 = 4'h0, shift_swtch6 = 4'h0, shift_swtch7 = 4'h0;

// debounce clock
// at positive edge, count is incremented
always @(posedge clk)
if (db_count == debounce_cnt) // it is 5 for simulation.
db_count <= 1'b0; //takes 40mS to reach 4,000,000
db_count <= db_count + 1'b1;

always @(posedge clk)
// if this always and one is line 51 race condition.
// if 51 runs first, then db_count will be set to szero when below condition is true.
if (db_count == debounce_cnt) begin //sample every 40mS
//shift registers for pushbuttons
// i am shifting left once and doing a bitwise OR it with 0th bit of pbth_in
// why
// what is the value in pbtn_in
shift_pb0 <= (shift_pb0 << 1) | pbtn_in[0];
shift_pb1 <= (shift_pb1 << 1) | pbtn_in[1];
shift_pb2 <= (shift_pb2 << 1) | pbtn_in[2];
shift_pb3 <= (shift_pb3 << 1) | pbtn_in[3];
shift_pb4 <= (shift_pb4 << 1) | pbtn_in[4];

//shift registers for slider switches
// i am doing same operation here.
// all these happen at same time.
// what is the value in switch_in
shift_swtch0 <= (shift_swtch0 << 1) | switch_in[0];
shift_swtch1 <= (shift_swtch1 << 1) | switch_in[1];
shift_swtch2 <= (shift_swtch2 << 1) | switch_in[2];
shift_swtch3 <= (shift_swtch3 << 1) | switch_in[3];
shift_swtch4 <= (shift_swtch4 << 1) | switch_in[4];
shift_swtch5 <= (shift_swtch5 << 1) | switch_in[5];
shift_swtch6 <= (shift_swtch6 << 1) | switch_in[6];
shift_swtch7 <= (shift_swtch7 << 1) | switch_in[7];

//debounced pushbutton outputs
// if first four bits are zero then bit zero is set to 0
// if first four bits are one then bit zero is set to 1
case(shift_pb0) 4'b0000: pbtn_db[0] <= 0; 4'b1111: pbtn_db[0] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_pb1) 4'b0000: pbtn_db[1] <= 0; 4'b1111: pbtn_db[1] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_pb2) 4'b0000: pbtn_db[2] <= 0; 4'b1111: pbtn_db[2] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_pb3) 4'b0000: pbtn_db[3] <= 0; 4'b1111: pbtn_db[3] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_pb4) 4'b0000: pbtn_db[4] <= 0; 4'b1111: pbtn_db[4] <= 1; endcase

//debounced slider switch outputs
case(shift_swtch0) 4'b0000: swtch_db[0] <= 0; 4'b1111: swtch_db[0] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_swtch1) 4'b0000: swtch_db[1] <= 0; 4'b1111: swtch_db[1] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_swtch2) 4'b0000: swtch_db[2] <= 0; 4'b1111: swtch_db[2] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_swtch3) 4'b0000: swtch_db[3] <= 0; 4'b1111: swtch_db[3] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_swtch4) 4'b0000: swtch_db[4] <= 0; 4'b1111: swtch_db[4] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_swtch5) 4'b0000: swtch_db[5] <= 0; 4'b1111: swtch_db[5] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_swtch6) 4'b0000: swtch_db[6] <= 0; 4'b1111: swtch_db[6] <= 1; endcase
case(shift_swtch7) 4'b0000: swtch_db[7] <= 0; 4'b1111: swtch_db[7] <= 1; endcase
// if and case happen in parallel as it is non blocking statement. right.
// for simulation i am not waiting for as much as i am waiting for synthesis.

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